Archie: Later, bro.
[Archie offers his hand]
Jughead: Don’t “bro” me.
[The pair hug]

Why does every one of our dances turn into a Jamie Lee Curtis movie?!


Archie: Is he okay? Is he alive?
Veronica: No, he’s not. He’s dead.
Jughead: R.I.P. Mr. Honey.

Cheryl: Poor Ms. Bell, you’ve fallen under the monster’s spell.
Ms. Bell: Do any of you have any idea what that man has done for this school? This year alone, he personally arranged for six low-income students to go to colleges on full scholarships.
Jughead: Wait, really?
Ms. Bell: Also, this year’s average GPA is higher than it’s been in decades, and more seniors will be going to college since 1956. Oh, and of course, no students have died under his watch.

Betty: You’re a copycat, Mr. Honey, and not a very good one. Using the Voyeur’s M.O. to ramp up your personal feud against me and my friends…
Mr. Honey: Feud? I’ve been trying to protect you.
Jughead: The only person we need protection from is you, Mr. Honey. You’re deranged.
Mr. Honey: I was trying to help you. To prepare you for a life outside of Riverdale.

Betty: Does this band have a name?
Archie: It’s … The Archies,
Jughead: What? Was the Me, Me, Mes taken?!
Archie: We can change the name.
Veronica: No! The Archies … I like it.

Betty: The sequence holds true for every ghostwriter who proceeded them. It’s actually incredibly simple.
Jughead: Which brings us to a couple of months ago when I was awarded the contract. Why? To put a target on my back. Probably because I was already circling the truth, so he gave you guys a new challenge: to commit the perfect murder against me and be awarded the contract.
Betty: So, the million-dollar question is, “Who was going to kill Jughead and how?”

Mr. DuPont: Well, Mr. Jones…
Jughead: Shut up!
[The room silences]
Jughead: Mr. DuPont, as they say in Lord of the Flies, “I have the conch.”

Jughead: What, did you miss me?
Bret: You’ve got to be kidding me?!
Mr. DuPont: Mr. Jones, we all thought you were…
Jughead: That I was dead?! Yeah, for a minute there I thought I was too.
Betty: Yeah.
Jughead: Hey, what’s that often-used Mark Twain quote? “Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”
Joan: What is happening right now?
Betty: It is called getting your comeuppance, Joan.

Mr. Dupont: We’re also terminating your Baxter Brothers contract for failure to deliver satisfactory material by March 15th.
Jughead: This Friday? As in The Ides of March?! Well, it’s only Monday, I still have time.
Mr. Dupont: Your rejected novel took you months to write. What makes you think you can write an entirely new one in five days?
Jughead: Watch me!

Brett: Turns out, I do have a videotape of you and Ponytail doing the nasty. If you so much as utter a “j’accuse,” I will release it wide.
Jughead: You think blackmail is going to stop me?
Brett: Yes, because you’re a hopeless romantic. That tape might not hurt you, Jones, but it will destroy Betty. Something like that will haunt her for the rest of her life. So, what’s it going to be: you want to continue this sad attempt at martyrdom or you gonna protect the honor of your precious girlfriend?

Mr. Dupont: Forsythe’s best work stems from his personal experiences. Might I suggest you start there?
Jughead: What about a dark and ominous force that threatens the town of Seaport? An obsessed killer who is looking to expose the hypocrisy and sins of his neighbors. The Baxter Brothers discover that man unleashing his righteous rage is the father of Bobby Baxter’s girlfriend, Tracy True.
Publisher: This sounds promising. What’s the name of the killer?
Jughead: “The Brown Hood.” If you give me a little time, I can come up with…
Publisher: No! We like this. If you ask me, this sounds like a million-dollar idea.

Cole Sprouse Quotes

Veronica: What's happening out there? Do we know? Is it about me?
Jughead: I have a strong inkling, and no. Also, I'd let it go.
Veronica: Yes, but you're you and I'm me. You do you, girl. I'll be back.
[She leaves]
Kevin: What was it like before she got here? I honestly cannot remember.

Our story is about a town; a small town and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the, decent, innocent. Get closer though and you start seeing the shadows underneath. The name of our town is "Riverdale".
