Flight Controller 1: It's a three-degree shift. It's meant to be at 320 degrees but someone's changed it to 323.
Alice: So, something has happened to Kingdom 2-9... and someone is calling for help.

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Hijack Season 1 Episode 2: "3 Degrees"
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Hijack Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Passenger 1: So, what did you do then? Come on, you must have done something.
Passenger 2: Don't talk to her like that.
Passenger 1: Well, think about it. They've not put her here for no reason.

Passenger 1: You all right, pet? What's happening?
Passenger 2: What's happening? There's a man up there who's gone over to their side. He's just betrayed us all to help himself. That's what's happening.