Dr. Bishop: I noticed you haven't submitted for the fulltime pediatrics position.
Theo: Applications are open for two more weeks.
Dr. Bishop: Wife didn't go for it, huh?
Theo: Figured it was more of an in person conversation next time I was home.
Dr. Bishop: Smart man. These things never work out unless you're both on the same page.

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Transplant Season 1 Episode 8: "Birth and Rebirth"
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Transplant Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Mags: I had to leave Lenny on the side of the road.
Bash: Who's Lenny?
Theo: That's her car.
Bash: You have a car named Lenny?
Mags: Yes, and he's got, like a cracked engine block, and needs a new transmission.
Bash: That's probably more than a car costs.
Mags: I bought that car when I was seventeen-years-old with my own money. He's gotten me through University, Med School, and an enitre leg of Slater Kenyon's Reunion Tour.

Theo: Well, I've never been in a fight.
Bash: I wouldn't exctly call that a fight. A stranger came out of nowhere and punched you in the face. That's ...
Theo: Twice. And I didn't do anything to try to stop him. I just froze.