Zoey: You seem kind of sad. Are you OK?
Rose: Yeah, I’m OK. I’m not sad. I’m just… Have you ever kept something from somebody when you probably shouldn’t?
Zoey: I’m familiar with the concept.
Rose: It’s just I haven’t told Max that I am sober for a little over a year now.
Zoey: Good for you.
Rose: Thanks. It is good for me. I guess I just feel that he sees me as this sweet innocent girl from camp, and I had some not so great years in there, and I’m afraid he will look at me differently. Is that stupid?
Zoey: No, I understand, and I relate. There’s something major I haven’t yet told the guy I just newly started dating, and I don’t know if I should.
Rose: Well, hiding things doesn’t really seem like a great way to start something new.
Zoey: Yeah.

Simon: Well, that was weird.
Zoey: Really weird. Maybe we never try that again.
Simon: You’re the one that suggested we switch to opposite sides of the bed to see if we liked the other better, and I kept waking up confused. I didn’t know where I was.
Zoey: Well, I’m sorry, buddy. You’re here in my bedroom stuck with me.
Simon: Lucky me.

Nova: You do not understand what it’s like to have powers, Zoey.
Zoey: Mo, how do I explain this?
Mo: You’re not the only redhead with powers.
Zoey: Just like that I guess.
Nova: How special we talking?
Zoey: I don’t want to brag, but I can hear people singing their innermost feelings through popular music.
Nova: Wow, that is interesting. Never heard that before, though I did once know a boy who had an actual eye for talent.

Zoey: I’m just checking on how you’re doing and feeling ‘cause if you’re sad and craving a drink but you’re worried it could lead to more drinking you could always think it.
Simon: What, worried about drinking coffee?
Zoey: No, I meant booze. Are you self-medicating with booze?
Simon: Is there something going on Zoey?
Zoey: I don’t know. Is there? You could tell me. What are you thinking? What are you feeling? You don’t even have to tell me with your mouth. You could tell me with your heart or brain. No pressure.

Zoey: This is the psychic? Is she going to read my mind, or is she going to knit me a sweater?
Mo: She’s done both for me, but she’s not a psychic. She prefers the term intuitive.

Zoey: I just wanted to say that I feel bad about bailing last night, and please know that canceling was not me leaving or quitting or pushing you away.
Simon: It’s fine. I just feel like you’ve been acting a little weird, and I don’t know, something’s going on.
Zoey: It’s just opening up isn't easy for me, and in the past, sometimes I shared too much too soon, and I don’t want to do that, so here are some things you should know about me. One, I never returned a library book in the eighth grade, and I still feel really guilty about it. Two, I wear a mouthguard to sleep, but I don’t when you come over ‘cause I want to look cute. And the main secret I have been keeping from you, if you want to call it that, is, um, I had some trust issues with my college boyfriend. And I thought he was cheating on me, but he kept denying it, so I hacked into his email.
Simon: Oh OK, that’s good to know.
Zoey: I also knifed his tires. One tire, it was also a bike tire, and I kinda just really poked it, but it did lose a lot of air over time.
Simon: Thank you for letting me know.

Zoey: How is any of this real?
Mo: How are your powers real?
Zoey: I don’t know, but if Simon’s going to look at me the way I was just looking at Nova, then I’m never telling him about my powers.

Zoey: He did seem fine.
Mo: Well, as Det. Olivia Benson would say, ‘He’s lying.’ That wasn’t worth it. I spilled my coffee everywhere and on me.
Zoey: What if he’s not lying, though? Is the universe messing with me? I mean the songs have never been wrong before.
Mo: Honestly, as Olivia would also say, ‘The easiest solution is always the right one.’ Sounds like to me that you need to interrogate the suspect and get him to sing again. Oh, I need my own cop show.

Zoey: I’m actually thinking of telling Simon my biggest secret.
Max: You’re gonna tell him about the powers?
Zoey: Yes. No. Maybe. What do you think?
Max: I’m not sure. I know honesty is really important but knowing you could hear my songs made everything much more complicated between us. Things never felt equal, you know?

Mo: Now where are we?
Zoey: I’ll tell you where we are, making things more complicated. You just sang country.
Mo: Oh, now I know something’s wrong ‘cause I never sing country.

Emily: I still don’t understand how you didn’t realize it was a creepy lust anthem about your sister?
David: I thought the girl’s name was Ginger, and he didn’t sing that ending until tonight.

Max: I almost didn’t bring it because I was worried you’d think it was too much. Careful, it’s heavy.
Zoey: “A Moment Like This”? Max, it’s our song.
Max: I would say it’s America’s song.
Zoey: It’s perfect. Thank you. This means a lot to me. you mean a lot to me, and I want you to know if you’re having feelings for Rose…
Max: Zoey.
Zoey: No, no, no, it’s OK. The last thing I want is to hold you back, so if you want to pursue something with her, it would be wrong of me to get in the way.
Max: I appreciate that, and I guess it would also be wrong of me to get in the way of anything you want.
Zoey: I don’t want to lose you. I know that much.
Max: Hey, it’s fine. We’ll figure it out, like we always do.
Zoey: Yeah, ‘cause it’s us.

Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist Season 2 Quotes

Mo: Good morning.
David: Oh, is it morning because we don’t really understand the concept of time anymore.
Emily: But we are getting very comfortable with the concept of spit-up.

Zoey: Fine, we can do this. I can do this, right?
Mo: Are you kidding me? Of course, you can do this. You got this. Come on. OK, now put on something bright and uplifting because this all-black thing…
Zoey: Doesn’t work for me, does it?
Mo: No honey, you look like a sad Emma Stone Halloween costume.