Max: What’s going on? Are you OK?
Zoey: Yeah, just waking up strong like you do.
Max: Well, did you have a bad dream because we could stop watching documentaries on serial killers before bed.
Zoey: That might help.

Emily: It feels wrong to be mad at a baby, but who waits until daylight to finally fall asleep?
David: He doesn’t respect us. He’s clearly a sadist. He must get that from your side of the family.
Jenna: Good morning family.
David: If you wake up my baby right now, I will literally kill you. I meant that in the nicest way possible.
Jenna: Hello, Miles. Are you still asleep because your room is so boring?
Emily: What do you mean? It’s cute.
Jenna: There is nothing on the walls. It’s like a prison for babies.
David: I guess we’ve been too busy keeping another human alive to worry about home décor.

Zoey: There’s no way I can go back to my place yet. My mom is not OK.
Max: Not OK, like how?
Zoey: Like she just sang a heartbreaking song to me about it.
Max: OK, but what about you, Zoey? You’re barely getting any sleep. You’re having these horrible dreams. How much longer can you go on like this?
Zoey: I don’t know. We’re gonna find out because until she feels better, there’s no way I’m leaving.

Simon: That’s a lot of caffeine, friend.
Zoey: I’m just tired and weary and other drowsy words like that. Maybe it’s because SPRQPoint is falling apart, or maybe it’s because I’m not sleeping. Question, is sleep important?
Simon: I heard it is. How much sleep are we talking?
Zoey: Last night I’d say a whopping two to three hours before waking up to another horrible dream.
Simon: Oh man, been there. Had a lot of bad dreams after my dad died.
Zoey: How do I get them to stop because I feel like I’m losing it.
Simon: It didn’t stop. Not for a while, but I talked to my therapist and he gave me some books. They all said that reducing stress can help with sleep, so that might be a good place to start.
Zoey: OK, well, reducing stress is a little tricky since I’ve taken over the fourth floor and have 10 times the responsibility now.
Simon: Have you not discovered the absolute joy of being in charge yet? Just give half of your responsibilities to other people. Take the important stuff for yourself and give away the rest.

Maggie: What are you writing?
Zoey: Everything you’re saying. Once I understand the parameters, I can generate a solution.
Maggie: OK, well, one of the first parameters is focusing on the overall concept.
Zoey: Concept like what bushes you want.
Maggie: Yeah, sure, bushes are a part of it, but it’s more like the overall design. Should we do country cottage or organic garden, European formal?
Zoey: I’m just going to brush up on European formal in one of these books here.
Maggie: Oh honey, it’s not really a thing you can just study.
Zoey: What about this? This is pretty. Can we do this?
Maggie: It’s Versailles.
Zoey: Right, so… no. No on Versailles.

This is place is soulless. Our restaurant is supposed to be an experience, right? And all I’m experiencing is crack house. I mean where’s the life, the character?


Jenna: Let’s free associate. Say the first word that comes to mind when I say, Plants.
Maggie: Friends.
Jenna: OK, work.
Maggie: Passion.
Jenna: Inspiration.
Maggie: Everywhere.
Jenna: Pad.
Maggie: Pencil.
Jenna: No, get your pad. Go.

Max: Did I just sing to you? You have that look in your face.
Zoey: You might have sung to me.
Max: What did I sing?
Zoey: Um, I don’t know the name of it, and it was clear you definitely have feelings…
Max: About what? About Simon? Just sing me the song.
Zoey: I don’t know the song. I can’t sing the song.
Max: Well, that’s not fair. You know people can have a lot of thoughts in their head without meaning them, and by the way, I worked overtime not to be weird about Simon even though you work in the same office with him, so you can’t read into it if a song…
Zoey: I’m not reading into it. It’s fine.
Max: No, it’s not fine. You always have a secret window into my brain, and you know, I would love to know what you’re feeling.
Zoey: I’m not feeling anything.
Max: No kidding.

Zoey: What’s going on out here?
Tobin: Uh, nothing. The guys just wanted to try out the jerseys ‘cause we wouldn’t get to wear them for real.
Zoey: Why are you letting them screw around like this? I thought you hated when the played games in the office.
Leif: I do, but they wanted to try them on, and I thought it was helpful to play for five minutes. And they called me ‘coach.’
Zoey: Oh, did they? I don’t care. I don’t care if they called you ‘softball champion of the world.’ I told Tobin to send them back. So why can’t you just do that? Why can’t I just say, ‘Send them back,’ and then you go and you send them back. Because now here I am yelling that the one thing I want in my life is for you to send the sexist penis jerseys.
Tobin: We’ll take care of it.

Emily: She’ll be leaving at some point. We just have to start dropping hints that it’s time. Our place is so small. You must be wanting to get back to your own life.
David: Thank you, but your presence is no longer welcome here. That’s a good one.
Emily: Yeah, subtle clues like that.

Zoey: I just thought I’d feel better by now. I’ve tried reducing stress. I moved back to my place, but no matter what I do, I can’t stop having these awful dreams where I’m trying to get out of the house. And last night, I finally made it out the door, but I still couldn’t escape because there was another me blocking my exit.
Simon: So you literally could not get out of your own way.
Zoey: It sounds so obvious when you say it.
Simon: Hey, here’s the thing. You’re dad just died, and looking for any other reason why these dreams are happening or thinking you can just make them stop is crazy.
Zoey: You’re very comforting.
Simon: Is it comforting to know that at least you’re not alone though. We, we are part of the same sad club now. Five more nightmares and you get a jacket.
Zoey: So I’m just supposed to do nothing?
Simon: Talking to me isn’t nothing, and, uh, I do think moving back to your place is a good step forward. Honestly, the more you can do for yourself right now, the better.

Zoey: I know you want to know what’s going on with me, but I’m feeling a hundred things at once, and most of them are about how messed up I am. You and I both thought that moving back here was gonna make my bad dreams go away, but it didn’t. So, I started to wonder if it was maybe something else.
Max: Something like me?
Zoey: No, me. Nothing in my life feels right right now. I don’t feel right right now, and I don’t know. There’s no one to blame for it, but I don’t know how to fix it either.
Max: Well, I mean, do you think we rushed into this? Maybe I pushed you when deep down I knew it was probably too soon after your dad. Maybe I just wanted to be with you so badly, I was just willing to go for it.
Zoey: I wanted to go for it too, but I’m barely ever present with you because I’m sad or tired or just in my head all the time, and I hate it.
Max: I know.
Zoey: It’s not fair to you. Maybe I do need more time.
Max: We should put things on pause for a bit. Yeah, it’s OK. Look, if we both force this thing to happen before you’re ready, then we’ll destroy it before it’s even begun.

Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Emily: It feels wrong to be mad at a baby, but who waits until daylight to finally fall asleep?
David: He doesn’t respect us. He’s clearly a sadist. He must get that from your side of the family.
Jenna: Good morning family.
David: If you wake up my baby right now, I will literally kill you. I meant that in the nicest way possible.
Jenna: Hello, Miles. Are you still asleep because your room is so boring?
Emily: What do you mean? It’s cute.
Jenna: There is nothing on the walls. It’s like a prison for babies.
David: I guess we’ve been too busy keeping another human alive to worry about home décor.

Max: What’s going on? Are you OK?
Zoey: Yeah, just waking up strong like you do.
Max: Well, did you have a bad dream because we could stop watching documentaries on serial killers before bed.
Zoey: That might help.