This party, like my marriage, is officially too gay for its own good.


Zane: I said crash, not smash.
Kelsey: They’re synonymous.
Zane: That’s presumptuous.

Liza: The killer would stay off the radar. Let someone else accuse and then pounce. Like you did.
Charles: You sound paranoid. And guilty.

Charles: Who are you?
Liza: I think if you're asking you probably know.
Charles: I thought I did.

Pauline: You know, you'd think the lying would get easier but the more it accumulates, the harder it gets.
Liza: Believe what you're saying is true, keep your answers short, and remember these people are here because you gave them hope.
Pauline: Yep, false hope.

Charles: Pauline and I are getting a divorce.
Liza: What?
Diana: Oh, Charles. I am so sorry. What are we going to do about the book tour? It starts tomorrow.
Charles: Everything goes forward as planned. I was never part of the publicity.
Diana: Not officially. The book has been gaining momentum because people thought it resulted in the author and her husband getting back together.
Charles: I don't know what to say, Diana. I'm not going to live my life to fit the novel.

Lauren: Kelsey got onto Yara.
Josh: Wow, this is like Tinder for the Illuminati, right?

Liza: (gasp) Reese just slipped into my DMs.
Kelsey: What?
Diana: Speak English. What does that mean?
Liza: It means Reese Witherspoon sent a private direct message to me.
Diana: What's the slipping part?
Kelsey: It's slide. You slide into someone's DMs.
Liza: I meant slide. All my friends say slide. I would never slip into someone's DMs. Only slide. I slide into... Kelsey's DMs all the time. Maybe I should slide into Zane's.

Liza: I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye after the wedding.
Josh: It's fine... I DM'd you, though.
Liza: You what?
Lauren: Yeah, Josh is always sliding into those DMs.
Kelsey: Um... Instagram has a direct message feature. It's kind of like a text message.
Liza: Oh, I didn't know that.
Lauren: How could you not know that?
Liza: I read three novels a week. That's like a thousand Instagram stories.
Lauren: Ahh.

  • Permalink: Ahh.
  • Added:

LL Moore: We did an investigation. She represents herself as a woman in her twenties but the fact is, she's a divorced forty-something housewife from New Jersey.
Charles: What the hell are you talking about?
LL Moore: Oh, you didn't know?

Liza: It's Josh. Impetuous, romantic, selfless, a little crazy, and yes, I think he's making a mistake but I'm the last person who could tell him that.
Kelsey: I feel like you're the one person that could tell him that.
Liza: I tried, Kels.

Zane: That skirt isn't safe for work.
Kelsey: I can see the outline of your wiener in those pants.

Younger Season 5 Quotes

Zane: That skirt isn't safe for work.
Kelsey: I can see the outline of your wiener in those pants.

Diana: Do you want to say something Liza? It might destroy the company, but we will support you.
Liza: He's a flirty old man but he never crossed the line, no.