Allie’s father is still around, though he might as well not be. You hang in there. This gets easier.


Oh, Molly, how am I going to say goodbye?


Montague: I seem to remember Hope Valley being more hospitable than this.
Lee: You’ll have to forgive us. A lot has happened since you tried to steal our water.

Nathan: I wasn’t Dylan’s favorite person, either. You can’t get along with everybody.
Allie: But he’s my father! You never even talk about him. It’s like you don’t even want me to know anything about him.

Henry: Going into business with him is the wrong move.
Lucas: From where I sit, it’s the only move.

Nathan: I don’t think it’s a good idea to look for him.
Allie: Why not?
Nathan: Because Allie, it isn’t. Just take my word for it.
Allie: I’m not a little kid anymore. I can make my own decisions. I was only asking for your help.

The people deserve to have a say in the future of Hope Valley.


Don’t get me wrong, my dad is great, but I still wonder about Dylan sometimes.
