Theo: Why is it that people put so much faith in that kid?
Rebecca: Because he's been groomed for this.
Theo: By some prince?
Rebecca: Sometimes you just have to stop asking questions.
Theo: Yeah I can't do that.

We're turning against each other, all we seem to know is hatred. CJ, you know this better than anyone. What you've seen, what we did. What happened to the dream? [to Jason] Sweety, I am trying to give you a gift. I raised you to be a leader, and I am begging you to lead your people to a peaceful end.


Theo: You're working here now?
Pam: It is a teaching hospital, would you like me to teach you something?

Theo: You really believe those things just ran away?
Arlene: Well I mean you have to have hope, otherwise people just lose their crap.

I was getting a little tune up. I have to get them every once in awhile, it helps even me out. But then, I'm good to go, like now I'm just cooking with gas.


Kerry: The rules, Jason. No First Gen can harm another First Gen. We were taught that.
Jason: I didn't harm him, I exiled him. Abbies did the harm.

Jason: You're lecturing me now. I think you need to watch your tone with me, Doctor.
Theo: You don't think I can do your job? That's fine, but we both know that you can't do mine.

I want to know where we really are. I want to know what that fence is about. I want to know what those things are outside that fence, and I want to know how an underage cretin gets to be in charge of all this.


Can't you use the chips to track them, or your hundreds of cameras? Oh yeah, that's right, we blew up your surveillance system.


We've done so many great things. So many. Pyramids, man on the moon, the Beatles... We were capable of so much, but now it's your world, your future, and I don't want any part of it.


Jason: I want to preserve life.
Kate: Just like when you executed my husband in front of me.

Well doc, if you had a chance to save a thousand people at once, put them down, and then wake them up, through some magic procedure that you believed in and knew how to make it work, you'd do it right?


Wayward Pines Season 2 Quotes

Routine is the building block of happiness, that's what Pilcher says right?


Well doc, if you had a chance to save a thousand people at once, put them down, and then wake them up, through some magic procedure that you believed in and knew how to make it work, you'd do it right?
