Georgia: Of course, I believe that we can influence the vote. I have faith in people to do the right thing.
Lucas: Faith is meaningless when not supported by action.
Georgia: Well, not everyone is corrupt.
Lucas: But there's enough who are, and the system is corrupt.

Noah: You the one who ain't supposed to be here. I ain't leave you out there to die. I threw you something to defend yourself because I felt sorry for you.
Cato: You felt sorry for me?
Noah: I ain't through yet! You can sit there, in your pristine clothes, speaking with the proper white man's tongue. You can fool everyone outside there in the civilized world; you can fool everyone in here; but you can't fool me. You still the snake of a slave-driver you was when you left Macon. I see you. You ain't good enough for this here life. I ain't talking about money, or even the freedom. You ain't good enough to earn drawing breath, and the thing is, you know it. Everyone around you knows it. Everyone who has ever known you.

Noah: Let's talk about why I'm sitting here and why you ain't out looking for your wife and lost little girl. I don't see them in that big house of yours.
Cato: What you know about family? You got none to worry about. Noah only cares about Noah!

Lucas: Today we'e going to exercise our right. This town we're in is destitute and desperate. Tomorrow, the people are going to vote overwhelmingly to put another rich planter in that seat, and he isn't going to do anything for them. The people in this town who are angry and going to express themselves, are going to vote with their hate, and I'm going to do something to counter that, because you what the alternative is?
Elizabeth: Doing nothing.
Lucas: And that's not the captain's way.

Why do you assume that I need some deep, personal reason to fight this war? Slavery is wrong. I know that. You know that. Your late husband knew it. He was shot in cold-blood because of it. Now ain't that enough reason to take up arms to end it?


Every day it's becoming clear that there is no such thing as a middle-ground. Inaction is nothing but a slow death...poison, running through us, building up. Every citizen must make a choice. Are you for the cause, or are you against us? Slavery is violence, full-stop, and those who hold fast oppression are refusing peace and testing the limits of the peaceful. Those who make peace impossible, make violence inevitable.


Cato: Noah, always the man with a plan, but what? You can't finish a fair fight?
Noah: Ain't nothing fair about this! Ain't nothing fair about any of what you put me through. I help folks. I save folks. When is it my turn?
Cato: Whatchu planning to do about it,hmm?
Noah: They already killing enough of us. I ain't about to help 'em. That's where we're different.

Devi: So this is all I get? The deed to your flat? You asked me to marry you and now you treat me like a whore. Why? Is that where I failed? You need someone to hurt you. To remind you that you're nothing. That you're just worthless property. I thought you wanted better.
Cato: I do.

A man has to decide what kind of fighter he's gonna be. You can run from the punches or your can throw them.


You gave those men and women something they never had. When you asked them to run with you, you gave them a choice.

William Still

I chose to come back, 'cause now I see what this country needs. It needs to be torn down to nothing. It needs a forest fire, a biblical flood, an earthquake that rips it in half. It needs me.


The difference between me and Noah, and between me and the rest of them, is that everyone else hides who they really are. Everybody is selfish, looking for whatever power they can have and calling it freedom.


Underground Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Cato: What do you see when you look at the sculpture?
Devi: Timelessness.

It ain't about the risk. Reading is a curse. All the words...they give words to all the feelings nobody told me about--not even my dad-- and I'm crushing under the weight of the knowledge. It opens up the world to you, and shows you how small the one they got us chained to is.
