I want you to imagine a golden, glowing ball, radiating warmth and safety

Terry [comforting Lafayette]

I'm so happy I could cry, but I won't cause it's gross when I do


You know in person she looks like vanilla pudding

Sookie [about Sarah]

Tara: Want me to take a look [at the water heater] and you can hold the line?
Eggs: See that was some spiteful shit you just said there. I got this.
I'm the man of the house. No offense, Carl..
Carl: None taken

Lorena: Why am I here?
Eric: We want the same thing, you and I.
Lorena: For a vampire, you are a terrible liar.

Bill: It's been a long night... don't feel like you have to
Sookie: Quit talking crazy
Bill: I just meant that I'd be satisfied to simply hold you
Sookie: I would not be satisfied. Not one bit.
Bill: What do you want, Sookie? Say it.
Sookie: I want you. Every which way. I just want you

Look if ya'll argue anymore I'm either gonna fall asleep or start screaming


Sarah: I think that after all your trials, heart ache and pain. God wants you to have a reward
Jason: You sure?
Sarah: Let me reward you, Jason. Let me help you find your way back to joy

Eric: The vampires here, they're like cowboys. If they don't get Godric back they'll want justice. They'll start attacking people.
Bill: Open aggression against humans? That's insane.
Eric: Well, it's Texas

Tara: If you die I'm gonna be really pissed
Lafayette: That makes two of us

If you're worried about me seeing you naked, I have seen boy parts before and water ain't exactly opaque

Daphne [to Sam who's nervous about getting out of the water after skinny dipping]

Sookie [about Jessica]: You can teach her how to walk that line between vampire and human
Bill: Yes because I have mastered that
Sookie: Okay so you can teach each other

True Blood Season 2 Quotes

I'm tired of charring my ass on your back burner.


Your bedtime will be 4 a.m., not a minute later... We also recycle in this house.
