Thanksgiving may be over, but one thing I'm grateful for is how good a traveler Jack is, unlike the screamer in Row Eight.


Randall: Mom, I'm sorry about earlier.
Rebecca: I was sitting there halfway through the trailer for Cats when I realized I couldn't remember what movie I wanted to see. I think I need to see a doctor.

Beth: Your mom seems like she's doing well.
Deja: Yeah. She's got a job and friends and a new apartment with a fireplace. Her and me used to always say one day we'd get a fireplace. And now she's got one. [crying] Why couldn't she be like this before?

Beth: You should tell Toby how you feel.
Kate: I don't know how.
Beth: Honey, figure it out. Cause if you're only going to other people about what's happening in your marriage, it can be dangerous territory.

Maybe it's simpler for Randall. He's the only father she's ever known. But I see Deja and Shawna together watching home videos, sharing inside jokes... and where does that leave me?


This is some damn good nut cheese.


Annie: So your Grandpa Jack's brother. Why haven't I met you before?
Nicky: Because your grandpa erased me.

Tess: I haven't come out at school yet. So I can say nothing and be left out. Or I can say my truth, which is that I have a crush on Zendaya.
Kevin: Your truth is my truth too.
Tess: Yeah, but your world isn't gonna explode if you say so.

We're all tired. That's probably why I'm overreacting to AvocadoGate here. There will be plenty of firsts, right? Like his first Thanksgiving.


Rebecca: I didn't forget. I just went to get myself some tea.
Randall: Oh, I didn't realize.
Rebecca: I also managed to make cranberry sauce without blowing up the house.

It's Thanksgiving. She wants to make up as much as you do. Go talk to her.


Kevin: Look at you. You look sharp.
Nicky: I look like a Viagra commercial.

This Is Us Season 4 Quotes

[Jack and Rebecca kiss]
Rebecca: I'm not calling you first.
Jack: I'm not calling YOU first.

Rebecca: How long have I been out?
Jack: Just a few minutes.
Rebecca: Great third date. Isn't it crazy? A few weeks ago I was in a bar looking at a cute guy -- not you, you came later. But isn't it weird how meeting someone can change everything?