Well, looks like it's gonna be just me and you, kid.


Beth: At least Kate knows about your mom so you don't have to keep it secret from her.
Randall: Right. I just need to keep it secret from my brother.

Randall: Are you sure you don't want me to come with you to your mother's?
Beth: I am sure. Relax. Take a break from burglaries and muggings.

Jack: I don't know if you're into this whole thing or if you just like to humor me, but either way, thank you.
Rebecca: What can I say? Either way you're cute.

Jack: Can anyone tell me what this is?
Kate: A lunch box?
Jack: It's not a lunch box.
Kevin: It looks like a lunch box.
Jack: I know it looks like a lunch box, but it's not. It's a time capsule.

I've known you for all of your 39 years, and you are a lot stronger than anyone gives you credit for, especially yourself.


Kate. You're fat. I'm ancient. We're gorgeous.


Rebecca: Honey, I don't think this a good idea.
Kate: That is so unfair. Randall and Beth are doing God knows what every night and Kevin is married.
Rebecca: That's different.
Kate: Why? Because I'm a girl?
Rebecca: No.
Kate: Great, you hate Marc.
Rebecca: I don't even know him.

Jack: They come across a huge field of colorful flowers. But maybe the flowers are poisonous.
Kate: No, Dad. I like them.
Jack: Sometimes things we like are bad for us.

You know, my mother said don't ever go to a blindness retreat empty handed.


I'm reading about this girl in Minnesota who used gene therapy and she got some of her sight back. Like, 30 percent. I'd be ecstatic if our son got 30 percent of his sight back.


Jack: Every good story has a hero who wants something, and he or she -
Kate: She.
Jack: She has to go on an adventure to get it.

This Is Us Season 4 Quotes

Toby: There are specialists who can teach you how to raise a blind baby on Yelp?
Kate: There's everything on Yelp. And I need pro-tips.

Rebecca. If he is really your choice, this dark, complicated man, make sure he gives you a love story. One for the ages.
