Remember what you have. Magic. It's lodged in you. Like a spiked arrow. It wounds you. Deeply. But it's a strange sort of pain. Combined with bliss. Trust me. It's all you'll ever need. It's everything.


You can either be too strong to fail or too weak to try.


Ciri: He's a grump of the first order, has the social graces of a wild boar, but he's...
Yennefer: He's your protector.
Ciri: He's the father I never had. When I'm with him, I don't feel alone anymore.

Last time we saw each other, you basically told me to fuck off. Remember? And you left me ON A MOUNTAIN. Have you seen these boots? I mean, I pretty much just slid all the way down that hill back to Caingorn.


I wish Yennefer knew of the balance you spoke of. More than you know, I wish it. But I learned my lesson about Yennefer and wishes.


The Witcher Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Last time we saw each other, you basically told me to fuck off. Remember? And you left me ON A MOUNTAIN. Have you seen these boots? I mean, I pretty much just slid all the way down that hill back to Caingorn.


I wish Yennefer knew of the balance you spoke of. More than you know, I wish it. But I learned my lesson about Yennefer and wishes.
