Neutrality. It won’t get you a statue. But it’ll certainly help in keeping you alive.


Just couldn’t sleep thinking about Aelirenn. And my grandmother. They lived centuries apart, but burned with the exact same mission. Wipe the other species off the Continent. When I finally fell asleep, it came to me. What if I can offer something different. A way forward that doesn’t divide, but unites. I’m part elf, I’m part human. I understand both because I am both, and that is my strength.


Ciri: Nenneke said I have the power to change the cycle of hatred. And I want to. To be the balance between kings and mages, and to align the Continent, instead of constantly pitting parts against each other. Because I am sick and tired of destruction and loss.
Geralt: I don’t doubt you, Ciri. I do doubt the world though.

You’re the bravest bait that ever lived.


You don’t know how difficult it is to embody power but not have access to it.


Yennefer: Just say this isn’t goodbye for good. That there are more good nights to come. That you will in whatever form think of me.
Geralt: That’s my promise to you.

The Witcher Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Success only comes with repetition.


She has great potential but little talent.
