Judge Greenspan: Mr. Soprano, do you have a problem with wearing an electronic bracelet?
Junior: It sounds like Nazi Germany to me.
Judge Greenspan: Obviously you need a history lesson, sir.

Tony: I'm sellin' Ma's house. You understand, Janice? Now put that fucking sign back in the fucking ground and that's it. End of discussion. Period.
Janice: You're so left brained. Whether the sign is there or not, the house is still for sale. The agent still has the listing.

(on Livia) Dead people don't have houses.


Bobby: To the victor belongs the spoils.
Tony: Why don't you get the fuck out of here before I shove your quotation book up your fat fucking ass.

Junior: A Chinaman goes to see the eye doctor. After the exam the doctor said, "I know why you're having trouble." The Chinaman says, "why?" Doctor said, "you have a cataract." Chinaman says, "no, I have a Rincoln Continental." (short pause) You don't get it?
Bobby: I get it. He drives a Lincoln Continental. What?

My father told me to never get old. I should have listened to him.


(to Bobby about his weight) I think it's time for you to seriously consider salads.


Black Protester: I want to talk to your foreman.
Christopher: You want to talk to the foreskin?
Black Protester: You're a wise-ass motherfucker.
Christopher: Well keep your mother off the streets and I won't fuck her.

The Sopranos Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Black Protester: I want to talk to your foreman.
Christopher: You want to talk to the foreskin?
Black Protester: You're a wise-ass motherfucker.
Christopher: Well keep your mother off the streets and I won't fuck her.

Junior: A Chinaman goes to see the eye doctor. After the exam the doctor said, "I know why you're having trouble." The Chinaman says, "why?" Doctor said, "you have a cataract." Chinaman says, "no, I have a Rincoln Continental." (short pause) You don't get it?
Bobby: I get it. He drives a Lincoln Continental. What?