Marge: It's about a boy who goes to war. His hand is deformed in an accident.
Bart: Deformed? Why didn't you say so! They should call this book "Johnny Deformed''?

Just squeeze your rage into a bitter little ball and release it at an approprate time. Like that day I hit the referee with a whiskey bottle. Remember that, when daddy hit the referee?


I am evil Homer, I am evil Homer, I am evil Homer, I am evil Homer.

Evil Homer

Mayor Quimby: And now, to open this year's festivities, here's our grand marshal, the Prophet of Love, Larry White.
Barry White: No, it's Barry White.
Mayor Quimby: No. it says here Larry White.
Barry White: I know my own name.
Mayor Quimby: Well, we'll just see about that.

Choir: Oh Whacking Day!
Oh Whacking Day!
Our hallowed snake skull-cracking day!
Boy: We'll break their backs
Gouge out their eyes
Their evil hearts we'll pulverize!
Choir: Oh Whacking Day!
Oh Whacking Day!
May God bestow His grace on thee.

Beans beans the musical fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot.


Well Marge, should I whack slow or fast?


Principal Skinner: May I interest you in a jello brick, sir? There's a grape in the center.
Superintendent Chalmers: Well, I'm not made of stone.

Barney: (whacking invisible snakes) Snakes! Snakes everywhere!
Lenny: You gettin' ready for Whacking Day?
Barney: What's Whacking Day?

Lisa: If the snakes were in here we could protect them.
Bart: According to this, snakes hear by sensing vibrations in the ground. So, if we put our stereo speakers on the ground and play something with a lot of bass, those snakes will be in here like Oprah on a baked ham.

Gentlemen, start your whacking!

Miss Springfield

Lisa: How can you people turn on snakes after all they've done for you?
Grampa: I'm an old man, I hate everything but Matlock. Ooh, it's on now.

The Simpsons Season 4 Quotes

Marge: Homer, you do remember your promise to the children?
Homer: Sure do. When you're eighteen, you're out the door!

Marge: Lisa, watch out for poison ivy. Remember, leaves of three, let it be.
Homer: Leaves of four, eat some more! (Laughs)