Box: What we have here is the same situation as Andrea Cornish, would you agree?
Detective: Your basic up down misdemeanor homicide.

Chandra: Detective, what made you sure so quickly that Nazir Kahn was your man?
Box: The mountain of evidence.

Chandra: You didn't interview Duane Reade?
Box: Someone at Duane Reade?
Chandra: An individual named Duane Reade.
Box: Is that a joke?

If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit. An inhaler doesn't fit the way we see a crazed killer trying to stab someone 22 times between hits off of his ventolin.


I'll take a mountain of evidence over a confession any day.


The Night Of Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Chandra: Detective, what made you sure so quickly that Nazir Kahn was your man?
Box: The mountain of evidence.

Box: What we have here is the same situation as Andrea Cornish, would you agree?
Detective: Your basic up down misdemeanor homicide.