Trust me, if I were you I wouldn't quit at the finish line pal.

Dan [to Ethan]

Kristen still doesn't know half the secret.

Alec [to Ted]

Why is it that around here, the first thing out of people's mouths is a lie.


You've just been the bright spot in all of this.

Thayer [to Emma]

You, my friend, are a giant neon sign of sexy right now.

Sutton [to Ethan]

Oh my God, something's happening. I actually think I feel bad for you.

Sutton [to Emma]

Is that why you waited until we were half naked in a motel room to tell me you were into Sutton?

Emma [to Ethan]

The Lying Game Season 1 Episode 20 Quotes

Oh my God, something's happening. I actually think I feel bad for you.

Sutton [to Emma]

Is that why you waited until we were half naked in a motel room to tell me you were into Sutton?

Emma [to Ethan]