Don't get me wrong, Jerry. Nancy's one of the best to ever come through here, but she hitched herself to the wrong horse on this one.


I can't stress this enough. You are going into a hostile environment. We are facing an enemy that can devastate a city. And you're what's standing between it and the civilians outside those door.


Jaax's dad: Did you save the world?
Jaax: Not really. Jerry took the wheel.

Like it or not the virus is here. And we can't afford to be the people who stood by and did nothing because we were too scared to pull the trigger.


Gen. Dwyer: Any chance this has been transmitted to people?
Wade: We don't know yet but I've dealt with Zaire before. It's best to quarantine the workers to be safe.

The modern day Army has never contained an outbreak on U.S. soil like this before. There is no protocol.

Gen. Dwyer

Wade: You ready?
Jaax: I have no roadmap. No protocols. Out of all the agencies that are set up to protect us, why are we not more prepared?
Wade: It's never been at our back door before. There's only one reason people do anything in this world. Fear.

Did you ego get so big you're willing to kill a man for it?


General: That's a huge operation. You'd be putting our soldiers at risk.
Jaax: True, but the Army's better able to handle a Level 4 hot agent than most local hospitals which is where infected people will start showing up if we don't contain it. Are you prepared for an outbreak like this?

If this thing is still out there somewhere, then we're going to find it.


Jaax: I don't like the feel of this place. The whole building. It's rotten.
Wade: Because something lives here that isn't monkeys or people.

Jaax: You were right. Every sememster you'd start class with one phrase: The monster will return. Here it is on our doorstep.

The Hot Zone Season 1 Quotes

Dr. Jaax: SHF doesn't kill cells like this.
Ben: That's what I'm saying.
Dr. Jaax: There's only a few things in the world that could do this.
Jahrling: User error?

Jason: Have you ever seen AIDS?
Jaime: Mom doesn't see human patients. Besides, Tammy's mom says all the AIDS are in New York --
Dr. Jaax: -- Um, Tami's mom believes that Falcon Crest is a real place. Let's just stick to science. Facts only.