Mark: Nick was an eye. He's a commander now. Someone like that defecting from Gilead? Big impact. You can make one, too. You could. You know that. After Angel's Flight, after your testimony against Waterford, you should step up, put your power to use.
June: I don't feel comfortable doing that right now, Mark.
Mark: Fair enough. What about Nick? I could set up a meeting. I could set it up today. Be nice to have a win.
June: Yeah. Yeah, set it up.

Nick: Gilead's changing. There's progress. Under Lawrence, we're making it better.
June: We.
Nick: I have to do whatever it takes to protect my family, just like you.
June: I want what's best for both our families. [long pause] Well, this is a fine mess, isn't it?
Nick: The world's a mess.
June: Yeah. Do you know what I wish, though? I wish the world would just go away, just for a little bit.
Nick: It's going to be hard for us to see each other.
June: I don't want to make trouble for you.
Nick: Do me a favor, and tell Nichole that I love her. Tell her I love her and I miss her all the time. Will you do that for me?
June: Of course, I will.

Gilead's gonna Gilead.


Serena: What am I supposed to do now?
June: Go back to the Wheelers.
Serena: How? How do you go and live in a house with a woman who's trying to steal your baby?
June: Are you seriously asking me that?
Serena: How did you ever, how did you ever live with me?
June: [laughs] Um, OK. OK, I'll tell you. Here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna go back in there, and you are going to act like a handmaid, but the entire time, you will be plotting against them and planning your revenge.
Serena: Is that what you did?
June: Look at what happened to Fred, and look at you now. [she gets up to leave]
Serena: Just, what would you do if you were me?
June: Listen to me. You cannot help your child if you're not with him. I would go back.

Turns out, after all this, I guess I'm a better Christian than you.


Serena: I'm not going to live in the same house as my child's kidnappers.
Joseph: Do you have an irony deficiency?
Serena: I don't give a damn. I'm not a handmaid.

Joseph: America is dying. It's an idea that has outlived its usefulness.
June: You said you had news about Hannah.
Joseph: First, hear me out. You need to understand that everything you value, all the things you're clinging to, democracy, liberty, justice, all that feel-good crap defined by a bunch of slave owners talking about how all men are created equal, all of that collapsed under the weight of late-term capitalism and rampant consumerism. It broke our pretty little planet and almost ended the human race, and Gilead, for all of our faults, we fixed that particular problem. We're having babies again. Unfortunately, I had to use religious nutjobs as a delivery system, and I underestimated their depravity, but uh, it was triage, and it worked. So now, with our success, we can afford to let up a little.
June: Are you gonna let Hannah out?
Joseph: Not, I can't. But I can let you in.

Alanis: That's not how cried out works, Serena. It requires a certain amount of mental toughness.
Serena: [whispers] Mental toughness, huh. [out loud] Right. I have overthrown a country, and I have, against all odds, given birth to a very healthy baby, and not once have I lacked for mental toughness.
Alanis: Are you angry with me, Serena?
Serena: Noah is one month old. He is far too young to be crying it out!

Can't we all agree, gentlemen, that it's embarrassing to be running a country in which people are constantly trying to escape?

Commander Lawrence

Serena: June, why didn't you kill me?
June: I don't... you've been the one waving the gun around.
Serena: Not today. At the information center, the protest. You had a gun.
June: Yeah.
Serena: Why didn't you kill me? Why Fred and not me?
June: I didn't want to. [She smiles]
Serena: I imagined this moment so many times. I always imagined that he would be here, Fred. He looks like him.
June: They say that they always look like their dads at first. It's evolutionary so that the dads don't kill them, you know?
Serena: Evolution? Do you think he's gonna be like him?
June: Depends.
Serena: On what?
June: On who raises him. And what kind of person they want him to become. And what you teach him. And on what you tell him is his to take.
Serena: I want him to have everything.
June: We all want that for them, Serena.

OfClarence has fulfilled her duty in this world. I know you will mourn her, girls, but know that she's cherished. God is the true judge, and she is his vessel. She has pleased him, and he has sent her to her final reward. Praise be.

Aunt Lydia

It's funny how every tiny baby you see makes you think you've never seen a baby before.


The Handmaid's Tale Season 5 Quotes

Serena Joy: I'd like to see my husband's remains.
Mark: I'll have to see if that's possible.
Serena Joy: I just lost him. Do you people have any decency at all? Any scintilla of grace? Where were you? Did something happen to Fred's plane?
Mark: No. There was a change in Commander Waterford's itinerary. He wasn't on his way to Geneva.
Serena Joy: Where was he?
Mark: The United States government made a deal with the Gilead government. Last night, he was involved in a prisoner exchange at the border.
Serena Joy: So you sent him back to be killed.
Mark: They agreed to try him under the Gilead system of justice. I delivered him safely. I don't know what happened to him after that.
Serena Joy: You know eg, you knew exactly what would happen to him!
Mark: No.
Serena Joy: And I'm sure you got your 30 pieces of silver, no doubt!
Mark: I traded Fred for 22 political prisoners! Women your government sent to die in the colonies! My job right now is to protect you and your baby.
Serena Joy: From whom?! You were responsible for Fred's death!
Mark: Fuck's sake. Serena J- Two things arrived at the ICC detention center in an envelope addressed to you this morning.
Serena Joy: It's his wedding ring.
Mark: Serena, they also sent a finger, a severed finger.

Everything tastes better when Fred's dead.
