Dean: You thinking what I'm thinking?
Stewart: Zero chance.

Claire: Or I could just nip this in the bud right now by saying there is no chance in hell that you and I are ever gonna happen. Like, it's impossible.
Dean: But what if it wasn't?

So in trying not to be a fictional character from your brother's television show, you're letting our real life kids do whatever the hell they want, and we think this is a good idea?


What are you watching by yourself in the bathroom at 8 am?


Ok so we've moved past the whole just because he played a lawyer on TV doesn't make him qualified to do it in real life argument?


Dean: Let's say you're in a restaurant and Noah Wyle is two tables down. You go into cardiac arrest, you don't think Noah Wyle could step in and help?
Stewart: Yes he could help, by calling a doctor, because he is an actor.

I know, life's funny that way, sometimes you find exactly what it is you're looking for and you're not allowed to pursue it for literally no reason.


Your honor, this is insanity. I have ten million objections, rounding down. Firstly, not a lawyer, we talked about that all too briefly. They're calling up witnesses during closing, bringing in new evidence...

Defense Attorney

Stewart: Wait a second, let me just, this kid was using Ethan to get with my daughter, and your solution was to leverage her for his junior high school popularity?
Dean: The way you're saying that makes it sound worse.
Stewart: I said it the exact way you said it. I just repeated it back to you. You're hearing it for the first time, and it sounds terrible.

Stewart: So you're gonna go to law school?
Dean: I don't think I need that, with the show and all.
Stewart: Oh sure, acting on a TV show is the equivalent of going to law school, so why would you need that?

The Grinder Season 1 Quotes

Dean: Let's say you're in a restaurant and Noah Wyle is two tables down. You go into cardiac arrest, you don't think Noah Wyle could step in and help?
Stewart: Yes he could help, by calling a doctor, because he is an actor.

Stewart: So you're gonna go to law school?
Dean: I don't think I need that, with the show and all.
Stewart: Oh sure, acting on a TV show is the equivalent of going to law school, so why would you need that?