Liz: So how is life at Reddick Lockhart?
Carmen: Did I do something wrong?
Liz: No, no, no, I just want to see how things are going.
Carmen: I like it here. There’s nothing to compare it to except law school, but it’s great to be out of the legal clinics. At a certain point, simulation feels like a waste of time. I’d rather be in the thick of it.
Liz: And now you are. I know you’re working with Barry in the Rivi maintenance.
Carmen: Yes, it’s a wonderful opportunity.
Liz: Rivi’s manager has requested that you take on a larger role.
Carmen: Really?
Liz: Rivi wants you to be his only lawyer.
Carmen: I don’t know what to say. That’s surprising.
Liz: Rivi has an unbelievable amount of charisma, but in my experience, it’s better to maintain a professional distance.
Carmen: I’m very professional.
Liz: Oh, I don’t doubt it, but you yourself said…
Carmen: Is the firm dissatisfied with my work?
Liz: No.
Carmen: It’s my intention to treat all my clients like humans even the ones who might be murderers or are definitely murderers, and I think Mr. Rivi might be responding to that because it’s something he hasn’t received…
Liz: OK, let me be very clear, Carmen. We’re talking about your own personal safety here.
Carmen: Yes, and I thank you. If you want me not to be involved with his case, I will completely understand.

Diane: The plaintiff can’t just pull out an agreement whenever she wants. Who is it that said, “She should have watched each card played, and played it slow.”
Attorney Schlutz: Excuse me?
Diane: Every time we make a deal, we’re wondering what to choose. We watch every card, wanting not to lose. So you play it slow. Don’t let the deal go down.
Attorney Schultz: What are you talking about?
Wackner: It costs a lot to win. Even more to lose. You and me bound to spend some time wondering what to choose.
Attorney Schultz: I’m sorry. Is this a song?
Wackner: Grateful Dead.

Liz: While I recognize that you just had a victory in court, the long-term reputation of this firm matters a whole lot more to me than short-term wins.
Carmen: That makes sense.
Liz: I’m not going to ask you any questions about what you may or may not have done. You’re a capable lawyer, clearly. That’s why you were hired. This is just a reminder that you are to conduct yourself in a manner of all times that does not put this firm at risk. This is the only reminder you’re going to get. Do you have any questions.
Carmen: I’m just listening.
Liz: You really don’t give a shit what people think about you, do you?
Carmen: I’m here to do a good job for my clients. I think I did that for Mr. Rivi, and since he wants me to be the only to represent him, I’ll focus on that.
Liz: OK, we’re done.
Carmen: Thank you.

Diane: I’ve thought about this. I believe I contribute to this firm, and I worry I’m going to be pushed aside, so I think we need another African-American partner, and we should discuss whom, but I want a commitment from you that I will retain a name partner position no matter what.
Liz: Diane, as long as I have any power over the decision, you will retain your name partner position.
Diane: Thank you, and let’s discuss a third partner.

The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

Diane: We need a continuance on Toni Hedger’s case.
Marissa: Really? I get to argue a continuance?
Diane: No, you get to accompany Phoebe who will argue the continuance, and you get to hold the client’s hand.

David Lee: That’s right. They’re letting you play lawyer, Marissa. How nice.
Marissa: Fucking prick.