Park: What do they call you?
Billy: Crater head.

This isn’t the way this should have ended. But I’m not so sure the world is a worse place than it was a couple of hours ago.


What’s my brother’s name?


Senior staff has basically ordered you to take me back. So if you don’t take me back, you’re screwed, [and] if you do take me back, you look weak. I don’t know what decision you made or what you were about to say, but if I tell you I’m sorry, it gives you cover. So this is me giving you cover.


Measles kill, broken homes don’t.


I knew this couple. They had a child and they were happy… building a life. One day, the husband found out that the wife hadn’t been honest, and it broke their trust. Instead of working it out, they let the deception fester. Eventually, the husband moved out, moved away… He barely sees his kid.


Santiago: I'm not selling my father's business.
Man: We both need to make a sacrifice.

Man: Everything in life is transactional and in this case, I've got all the leverage.
Shaun: Leverage?
Man: It's what you have that they need. It's how you shift a deal in your favor. You guys have no leverage, and no cards to play.

I love him enough to give him a kidney. He should love me enough to accept an offer that would improve my life, too. I mean, it's a much lower ask than a vital organ.


Man: I'm not selling Santiago anything.
Morgan: You're receiving money from a third party in exchange for your kidney.
Shaun: He's receiving money from a third party for his business. So is his brother.

Shaun: She has a slight fever, her rash is spreading. This is definitely not Ademia.
Morgan: I know, I've moved on to Mersa.
Shaun: That's possible, but you should want proof.

Being a good doctor is knowing when to not scare the patient.


The Good Doctor Season 2 Quotes

Hello, I'm Dr. Shaun Murphy. I'm a surgical resident at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital.


Dr. Blaize: I think you had me reinstated as your last official act before they booted you as president because I am the best oncologist around and you would like to get the best treatment.
Glassman: Yeah. So, I'd like to ensure that the brain -- in this instance, my brain -- stays as dry as possible during surgery, maintain minimal swelling. I would still like to be able to swing my 9-iron when we're done here.
Dr. Blaize: Of course, it's also possible that you had me reinstated because you'd like an oncologist who thinks they owe you and you want to push them around.
Glassman: Look, Dr. Blaize, I am like any other patient, entitled to have a say in my own treatment, but unlike any other patient, I have spent my entire adult life digging into people's brains. So, if you think I'm going to sit around and watch, you're mistaken.
Dr. Blaize: Well, if you think you can operate on yourself I'd happily add you to the list of potential surgeons.