Mat: Hey, you OK?
Mariana: I thought you'd be back in your room with Ashley by now.
Mat: Ashley's not the one I want to take back to my room.

Callie: She thinks I don't want you to marry her.
Brandon: Maybe I don't want to marry her. I'm just suddenly questioning if she's the one.
Callie: Why are you having doubts? Because of the prenup?
Brandon: I mean, it's everything, you know? I'm suddenly questioning if she really even gets me, you know? Maybe nobody does.
Callie: I get you.
Brandon: You're the only person who has ever really taken care of me. Like when you found me at Coachella because you knew I would be there. If you hadn't brought me back I don't know what I would have done. I think you're the person that I trust most in the world.
Callie: Ditto.

Carter [crying]: I'm so messed up.
Jude: I know. It's OK. You're OK.
Carter: Will you stay until I fall asleep?
Jude: Sure.

Scott: The judge rescinded the permission to take Corey to the wedding.
Stef: What?
Jesus: That's bullshit.
Stef: No way!

Jim: I assume you'll be running for a democratic seat?
Lena: Yes.
Stef: We hope that we can count on your support.

It's a wedding. Everyone gets nostalgic at weddings. Just try not to do something you'll regret later.


Eliza: I don't want you to sign the prenup.
Brandon: Why?
Eliza: Callie's friend says it's not fair to you.
Brandon: Why would she tell you that?

Eliza: Why don't you go back to your room and work on your short?
Brandon: Why so you can accuse me of not being present?

Jamie: What were you and my sister talking about, the prenup?
Callie: You know about that? Have you read it?
Jamie: No, but I know my father, and I'm sure it's not entirely fair Brandon.

Jamie: What are you trying to do besides do everything in your power to make me feel like a masochist for wanting to get to know you?
Callie: it's just been a while since I've been interested in anybody.

Jayden: Hey, so your brother. Does he have a girlfriend?
Mariana: He's gay.
Jayden: Really?
Ashley: Whats the story with Mat? Is he really in a rock band?
Mariana: That's the rumor.
Ashley: Isn't he your ex?
Mariana: Yeah, but Imean, if you're hot for him, go for it, but I should disclose that he gave me crabs.

Callie: Should I be worried? Are you having safe sex?
Jude: If I was a girl, would you act the same way if this was birth control? Would you suddenly assume I was going to be unsafe?
Callie: If you were a 19-year-old girl hooking up with a lot of people then yeah. I would be just as worried. It's not just HIV you have to think about. There are STI's.
Jude: Look, the CDC recommends prep for all sexually active gay men, ok? I'm being responsible. And just because you haven't hooked up with anyone in 5 years doesn't mean you should be uptight about everybody else's sex life.
Callie: How would you know anything about my sex life?
Jude: You know what, you're right. I guess I wouldn't since we barely talk.

The Fosters Season 5 Quotes

Jude: I hate not knowing if Callie is OK.
Noah: Well both our moms are there. Everything is going to be fine.
Jude: You don't know that. You don't know Callie.
Noah: Whatever happens, I'm here, always. I love you.
Jude: I love you, too.

Callie: I didn't get into the art school.
Professor Kim: I'm sorry to hear that.
Callie: I'm going to appeal, but I want to change my major, to law.