Cisco: I don't want the extraordinary thing about my life to be my powers.
Caitlin: No one feels that way.
Cisco: Here's the thing: I do.

Barry: Thawne got away again. Nora's gone. It should feel like a loss but I also felt...
Iris: Pride?
Barry: Pride, yea.
Iris: She did good.
Barry: Yea.
Iris: She was the best of both of us.
Barry: She was my legacy all along. And all of us together as a family, that's how I want to be remembered. A good man, a loving husband, a supportive father.
Iris: You're already all those things.

Thawne: This is nice. Team Flash back together again...with a new guy. Ralph Dibney, you should be dead.
Ralph: That makes two of us

Gentlemen, I hate to inform you're all dead.


Cisco: Can't we just play some Gaga and hope he wakes up?
Sherloque: Gaga is not the solution to everything!

Cisco this isn't about me, it's about you. If being Vibe is what you want, I would never get in the way of that.


Orlin: Destroy metahumans before they destroy the world.
Grace: They'll be born only to die.

He’s lucky I don’t throw his ass off a roof.


Look, Barry, having Nora in our lives has made us better people. isn’t it's possible she did the same thing to Thawne.


Ralph: I know I’m not built for love. And that’s okay.
Caitlin: Ralph Dibney, you are kind intelligent and compassionate. and most of all you put the needs of others before yourself. So that means you are built for love, and you deserve someone who loves you back.
Ralph: Caitlin…i’m sorry, I just don’t feel that about you...
Caitlin: What? Gross!

Barry: It’s Thawne! it's his plan!
Iris: And maybe his plan isn’t so bad.
Barry: What? I thought we were past this. it’s not okay of her to work with Thawne. You saw him, you said he’s manipulating her.
Iris: And, I said he cares about her. He’s worried about her safety.
Barry: No iris, he needs her.
Iris: Or, he’s changed.

Nora: These past few months I have been through a lot. I am not the same person I was.
Weather Witch: Okay. Prove it.

The Flash Season 5 Quotes

Wow, it smells in here.


Killer Frost: Hey, stranger.
Caitlin: Hey.
Killer Frost: Well, we sure have a lot to talk about.