I don't have to run when I'm with you. I love you Iris West Allen.


You, Caitlin Snow, are and have always been remarkable. You are bright, resourceful, resilient, and I am more than certain you can do this.


A smarter man would understand this gun has no safety and my finger is still on the trigger.


Barry: From Oliver and Felicity, we have an...expresso machine!
Iris: Okay, not on the registry, but I guess getting married during our wedding wasn’t on the registry either. So, yeah, sure.
Barry: Alright...
Iris: I'm not bitter.

Overgirl: You're looking more human. Scared, helpless, pathetic... inferior.
Kara: We're not that different from them.
Overgirl: Oh, please. We're everything they want to be: blonde, white. Aryan perfection.
Kara: I'm not like you. I don't think I'm better than everyone else.
Overgirl: You should. You are. You're a god to them. You could have been living like one.

Eobard: Unfortunately, Miss Danvers, we need you awake for this procedure.
Kara: My, my cousin... he'll find you.
Eobard: Your cousin. Really? Fun tidbit. I fought your cousin once. In the future. He is fast. I'm faster.

Dark Arrow: Felicity Smoak. Turn the power back on.
Eobard: He said, "Turn the power back on."
Felicity: Sorry, Eobard. Eobard?
Eobard: Eobard.
Felicity: Eobard. My God, the future sounds weird.
Eobard: That's funny. Sometimes we think we're more clever than we are. Because where I come from, the history books are filled with stories of this Age of Heroes: Green Arrow, Black Canary, The Flash. And yet no one... no one has ever heard of Felicity Smoak.

Barry: Well, as a Snart we know use to say, "Make a plan. Execute the plan. Expect the plan to go off the rails. Throw away the plan."
Leo: Wow. That is... that is terrible advice. I always have a plan, down to the second, so nothing ever goes wrong.

Barry: How are you not scared?
Iris: Because we’re the Flash.

You may be the fastest man alive, Allen. I’m the fastest mind.


Barry: Who are you really?
DeVoe: Who’s asking? Barry Allen? Or The Flash?

Oh my God. You were right. That mac and cheese look unbelievable.


The Flash Season 4 Quotes

What is a nice girl with two doctorates and a Ph.D. doing at a rat's nest like this one?


Wally West: Team Kid Flash is on the case!
Joe West: Son, I love you. But ain't nobody feeling Team Kid Flash.