Love will find a way. You can do it! Power of love and all that.

Music Meister

Barry: Dads?!
Joe and Stein: You got a problem with that?

They're being drained. The guy who did this to them [gestures to Barry and Kara]. I think he's stealing their powers.


Joe: Do you know who I am?
Barry: Not Joe West I'm guessing.

I miss being bulletproof.


Cisco: What is it with you and musicals?
Barry: Everything's better in song.

Wally: I love you, Jesse.
Jesse: I love you, too.

Jay, a hero among heroes.


Don't like the future, Flash? Change it!

Captain Cold

There's only one way to save Wally West from his eternal torment. You must free yourself first.


I want to sacrifice myself for Wally.


H.R.: You really are hard hat Harry's little girl, aren't you?
Jesse: Yeah, I am. And you're not him. So just do us both a favor and stop trying to be.