General Eiling: Harrison. You're one of 'em. You're a metahuman.
Harrison: Yes I am. And I protect my own.
General Eiling: Who is that?
Harrison: Now that is an old friend of ours.
Grodd: General
General Eiling: That voice. It's in my head. Dear God.
Grodd: Not God. Grodd.

Joe: You're gonna save the past.
Barry: Joe, I'm gonna save my mom.

I don't know how and I don't know when, but someday soon I'm going to be in this house again 15 year ago, and I'm gonna fail. Unless I don't.


You guys are like ten seasons of Ross and Rachel but just like smooshed into one year.


Cait, Barry was right. The world's different now. Look, I thought we could get away, start a new life; start a normal life together, but there is no normal life for us. You will always risk your life to try and help people and I will always be the guy who runs into that pipeline for you.


Ronnie: Not the STAR Labs I knew.
Barry: Ronnie, it's not the world that you knew.
Ronnie: Tell me about it.

That must be a side effect of, of your incredible speed. In some future day, you actually move so fast that the resulting kinetic buildup smashes a hole in the space time continuum!


Martin: What about you? Would you be interested in taking a trip into history?!
Barry: I think I already have.

Barry: If you travel back in time to change something, then you end up being the causal factor of that event.
Cisco: Like Terminator.

Barry: But, that means...
Joe: The second speedster, the one trying to stop the man in yellow...
Barry: Is The Flash. It's me.

My spice champion of Central City.


Cisco: Dr. Wells is a great man. I was nothing when he gave me a job, a chance to change my life. He has helped so many people. He is not a murderer!
Joe: Cisco, I'm a cop. I'm good at reading people. That's how I know I can trust you with my suspicion. When I go talk to the family and friends of a murder suspect, somebody I know is guilty, and I tell them the person they love is a killer, guess what they say. That's not the person I know.

The Flash Season 1 Quotes

Caitlin: Are you suggesting that Dr. Wells is in league with the thing in the yellow suit? We all say that thing nearly kill him that night.
Cisco: Yeah. Nearly.

Barry: Thanks for not saying I told you so.
Joe: But I did say I told you so. Repeatedly.