You're good, Barry Allen, you're very good.


Cisco: I've been having these dreams. Mostly at night, but sometimes during the day. But they don't really feel like dreams. They feel real.
Barry: What happens in the dream?
Cisco: Dr. Wells is the Reverse Flash and...he kills me.

Oh, she's good. She's like my nemesis. I've never had a nemesis before. I kinda like it.


Caitlin: You're so lucky. Ray's so nice and smart and hot.
Felicity: Yeah, it's kind of like I'm dating Barry, but in Oliver's body. A sentence you'll never repeat to anyone!
Caitlin: Your secret's safe with me.

Oh thank God. It's the food! The food's here!!


Ray: I thought it would be nice if it was quiet, so I bought out the entire restaurant! Too much?
Felicity: Just a tad, sweetie.

Felicity: What is wrong with you? Is everyone in Central City in a bad mood? I thought Central City was supposed to be the fun one!
Eddie: It's not...
Barry: Felicity knows.
Eddie: Wow. So everyone but Iris.
Barry: Feels that way.

Harrison: Your ATOM suit is quite the technological achievement, Mr. Palmer. I'm impressed.
Caitlin: And he is never impressed.
Ray: Thank you, but I can't quite seem to keep it up.

Harrison: What exactly are we waiting for, Ms. Smoak?
Felicity: [points to the sky] That there!
Caitlin: Is that a bird?
Cisco: It's a plane...
Felicity: It's my boyfriend
Ray: Hi! [waves] I'm Ray.

Bees. Why did it have to be bees? Y'all I don't do bees, ain't nobody got time for bees!


Harrison: Your father's an extraordinary man. You're lucky to have him.
Barry: I'm lucky to have you, too.

Henry: You gotta tell me. What does it feel like when you're running down the street like a bat out of hell?
Barry: There's no feeling like it.

The Flash Season 1 Quotes

Caitlin: Are you suggesting that Dr. Wells is in league with the thing in the yellow suit? We all say that thing nearly kill him that night.
Cisco: Yeah. Nearly.

Barry: Thanks for not saying I told you so.
Joe: But I did say I told you so. Repeatedly.