You know I used to call Diego my father. He took me in as a kid, made sure I had enough to eat, a place to stay. When I was old enough he put a gun in my hand and sent me to hurt people. I had to get out.


Solomon: Is there something you want to share with the class?
Tom: I'm good.

You need to keep your strength up. You burn a lot of calories being a lying bitch.


Mazel tov, Carlos. You married up.


I'm beginning to feel ignored.


Do as I say and you'll be home before you know it. Don't and I'll turn you into a pair of shoes.

Bad guy

I misjudged you. Someone told me you weren't to be trusted.


You really can't die, can you?


I was 13 and Will Banks was the first man I ever killed.


Plane captain: What happened?
Tom: Help me land this thing and I'll tell you all about it.

You. Me. The great wall between us.


For what it's worth, we're the good guys.


The Blacklist: Redemption Season 1 Quotes

Tom: Are you sure about this?
Liz: It's only an hour flight. You'll be back in time for dinner. What could possibly go wrong?

You should know...I have anger issues. My therapist says it's because I have no coping mechanism.
