One bacon cheeseburger, breaking two Jewish dietary restrictions simultaneously.


Sheldon: Your cell phone was off.
Leonard: Because we didn't want to be disturbed!
Sheldon: Well that didn't work out, now did it?

I'm a walking, brown


Penny, I told you if you don't put him in his crate at night, he just runs around the apartment.


Sheldon: I asked myself what is the most mind-numbing, pedestrian job conceivable and three answers came to mind: a toll booth employees, an Apple store genius, and what penny does. Because I don't like touch other peoples' coins and I refuse to contribute to the devaluation of the word genius, here I am.

I haven't seen him this stuck since he tried to figure out the third Matrix movie.


Wolowitz [about Sheldon]: How long's he been stuck?
Leonard: Intellectually about 30 hours, emotionally about 29 years.
Wolowitz: Have you tried rebooting him?
Leonard: No, I think it's a firmware problem.

The Big Bang Theory Season 3 Episode 14 Quotes

I haven't seen him this stuck since he tried to figure out the third Matrix movie.


Wolowitz [about Sheldon]: How long's he been stuck?
Leonard: Intellectually about 30 hours, emotionally about 29 years.
Wolowitz: Have you tried rebooting him?
Leonard: No, I think it's a firmware problem.