People I loved died today. Needlessly. At my hand. I can't let that happen again. As we prepare to give our brothers and sister to the sea, we honor their lives. From water we are born, to water we return.


Luna: Remember, Clarke. The path of violence is a choice.
Clarke: When the choice is "fight or die," there is no choice.

Emori: Why did your creator leave you?
ALIE: I don't know. But when I see her again, I will ask her.
Emori: You really think she's in the flame?
ALIE: Yes. And if I'm right, it contains the minds of all of those to whom it was connected. Beginning with my creator.

Luna: You cared for her.
Clarke: Yes. Lexa was special. She was working toward peace. Blood must not have blood. You can finish what she started.

Harper: I haven't felt this way in so long.
Monty: Happy?
Harper: Yeah. And safe.

Monty: You're still you, right? Artificial intelligence hasn't taken over your brain?
Harper: I'm still me.
Monty: Awesome. Oh my god.

You don't want saving. You want somebody to fight with you.


Pike: What are you waiting for?
Murphy: Bad guys are following them, right? May as well take my chances with you two.
Pike: Your father would be proud.

I didn't flee the conclave because I was afraid I would lose. I fled because I knew I would win.


Luna: How many lives would be lost to pay for those I would save?
Clarke: Some causes are worth killing for.
Luna: Not to me.

You killed 300 of my people. Now you'll take 300 cuts by my hand.

Indra [to Pike]

Pike: Listen, the answer to my question: The key to surviving on the ground and on the Ark is to keep fighting at all costs, against all odds. The minute you give up, you're dead.

The 100 Season 3 Quotes

Bryan: Are we ever gonna be done fighting?
Miller: Hell yes. We're gonna build a house on a lake. We're gonna plant corn. And raise chickens. And grow old.

Octavia: Let's get this book and get the hell out of here.
Jasper: That's a plan I can support.