That thing is what will save us. ALIE 1 didn't understand what it meant to be human, yes, but ALIE 2 will. It's designed to interface with humanity on a biological level. It will understand the value of life by coexisting with us.


We gather here on this Ascension Day to honor the Commanders that came before me. Those who live on within me. As I will live on within one of you.


She's a computer program. But I get that's hard for you to grasp, considering you pray to garbage. No offense... obviously.


Titus: What you told me doesn't make any sense. How did a Sky Person come to be in possession of our most holy symbol?
Murphy: Holy? It's a corporate logo!

The 100 Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

She's a computer program. But I get that's hard for you to grasp, considering you pray to garbage. No offense... obviously.


Titus: What you told me doesn't make any sense. How did a Sky Person come to be in possession of our most holy symbol?
Murphy: Holy? It's a corporate logo!