I think something followed us home.


Luke: Why don't you go ahead and get some food, while you're at it. What sounds good?
Zooey: Mmm, a morphine drip?

Zooey: I don't even understand most of this shit.
August: It must be difficult to focus when you're always busy trying to formulate your next ironic remark. Rather lazy intellectually, though.

Phil: So, this one version of the Roadie supposedly manifests in a large, red, bird-shaped rash on the infected person's left buttock.
Luke: What, exactly, am I supposed to do with that information?

Phil: Where is it, Auggie? Did we get it?
August: It rests in pieces.

Bob: A pleasure to meet you, Constance.
Constance: Die in a fire, Bob.

SurrealEstate Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Luke: Why don't you go ahead and get some food, while you're at it. What sounds good?
Zooey: Mmm, a morphine drip?

I think something followed us home.
