Katrina: Whatever you're doing, I want in.
Samantha: I am doing things you can't.

You are under arrest for conspiring with a federal prosecutor.


Donna: I packed you some breakfast for the road.
Harvey: Thanks. Listen, are you sure you're good with me going on this trip? Not a lot of women would want their men doing this.
Donna: Harvey, I'm not a lot of women.
Harvey: No, you're not.
Donna: And the truth is, any one of us would be there, but you're the one who knows what she's going through the most.
Harvey: She was abandoned by her parents, I wasn't.
Donna: No, but when it came to your mother, you felt like you were, and you were estranged from her for a long time. None of us knows what that feels like.
Harvey: Maybe I am the best man for the job.
Donna: As far as I'm concerned you're the best man for any job, and I love you.
Harvey: [coughs] Thanks, and I ... love ... you too.
Donna: You're an idiot.

I'm Harvey Specter. Laugh!


Ted: Hello, is this Harvey Specter?
Louis: Maybe. That depends. Who's calling? Have you heard my voice before, met me in any way, shape or form?
Ted: No, but I was hoping to soon. This is Ted Tucker.
Louis: The Ted Tucker?
Ted: That's right, and unless I'm mistaken, you're the Harvey Specter.
Louis: You bet your ass I am. What can I do for ya, chief dog? As long as it's on the phone, I'm good to go.
Ted: I was hoping that we could meet about a very important matter.
Louis: Yeah, let's set it up. Any time after Friday. I have a cold right now, so my voice will be different then, but.
Ted: Next week is not going to work for me, Harvey. I need to meet with you, and I need to meet with you today.
Louis: Today, in person? Uh, no, Ted, at the moment...
Ted: No at the moment. I want to take you to lunch, and I promise you it'll be the best lunch you've ever had.
Louis: Okay, Ted, can you just hold on one second, please? You know what, T-Dog, I can't make that happen, but what I can do is I can send my partner, Louis Litt who happens to be an excellent attorney in his own right. In fact, when you meet him, he'll sit down just like me.
Ted: Harvey, I don't want to meet with some schlub I've never heard of. Now, do you want to have the best lunch you've ever had or not?
Louis: Just tell me when and where, and I'll be there.

He's gone two full days. I can sit in his chair, listen to his records, I can finally be Harvey Specter. And no one will ever know.


We're looking into Faye and we're going to force her out.


Harvey: What are we doing?
Louis: I'll tell you what we're doing: We're getting Samantha her job back.

Louis: What if there was another way?
Harvey: I'm pulling the trigger either way.

What if you could remove the memory of your mother's affair?


Harvey: I see what this is. You want to take me on.
Mike: Take you on, kick your ass. What's the difference?
Harvey: How fair do you want this fight to be?
Mike: Anything that can get us disbarred or put in jail is off-limits. I'll make sure to accept your loss gracefully.

As of this moment, you are fired from this company.


Suits Season 9 Quotes

Donna: Say it again.
Harvey: I looked around, and you weren't there.
Donna: I'm here now. What?
Harvey: I just wish I had come to my senses sooner.
Donna: It's okay. I was worth the wait.
Harvey: Donna.
Donna: I know, we have to get some sleep.
Harvey: Everything's changed.
Donna: I know.

Harvey: Samantha, whatever it is, it will have to wait. We have to start locking up Robert's clients before...
Samantha: That's why I'm here. Three of them have already put their accounts up for review.
Harvey: Son of a bitch. The bar just ruled on Robert yesterday.
Samantha: It gets worse. I reached out to six more, and none of them would take my call.
Harvey: Which means six more are about to go.
Samantha: And the only way that could happen this fast is if somebody's already poisoned the well.
Harvey: You think Hardman's still after us?
Samantha: I did ... until I saw these notices were dated two days ago.
Harvey: And two days ago, Hardman was gunning to have me disbarred, not Robert.
Samantha: Exactly.
Harvey: Then, who the hell knew to go after his clients.
Samantha: The same man that tried to blackmail Robert into taking his name off our wall.
Harvey: Blackmail. What are you talking about?
Samantha: I'm talking about you and I going to pay a visit to Eric Calder.