You almost had the golden ticket of hanging out with me. That's gone.


Bryce: You're a spy.
Dex: Private Investigator. Man, I wish I was a spy. That would be pretty cool, huh?

Remember, never apologize for being a strong single woman with your own money, you own life, your own business, your own good time because you're going to encounter a lot of people who are threatened by it and they're going to try to take it away from you just to feel bigger.


Dex: So, the acronym is SOB?
Woman: Yeah, never heard that one before.

Lady hustler. I definitely hired the right girl.


Stumptown Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Dex: So, the acronym is SOB?
Woman: Yeah, never heard that one before.

Lady hustler. I definitely hired the right girl.
