Sullivan: Good to see you in the field, Chief.
Ross: Good to be out here; I got your six.
Beckett: Ugh, get a room.

We're Nineteen. Family forever.


Andy: How are you? How's Carina?
Bishop: She's convinced she's not pregnant because she's had so much trouble, and I don't know how to help her.
Andy: Just be there for her. That's all you can do.

Montgomery: I'm sorry, but you can't leave.
Vic: Travis.

Beckett: So how's the IVF stuff going; any news?
Bishop: Just waiting to see if it took.

Station 19 Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes

Montgomery: I'm sorry, but you can't leave.
Vic: Travis.

Beckett: So how's the IVF stuff going; any news?
Bishop: Just waiting to see if it took.