All of us have to remember what we love most about back home. We fight for them. We fight, hoping it doesn’t change us, hoping we don’t come home different. But if we don’t fight, we don’t win. The disease takes over, and none of us have a home to go back to.


Ensign Inman: I just wish we could stop this without all this dying.
M’Benga: We have to fight so the people we love can have a chance to live in peace. That’s Starfleet.

War, it doesn’t leave you. It can bury itself, but it’s always there.


War, it makes sense if you’ve been there, but it will never make sense.


Pike: How can we represent a Federation that believes in peace if we say some people aren’t allowed to make up for their past?
Una: I agree with you, in the abstract. But the people he hurt – some of them right here on this crew – might not find forgiveness so easily. It isn’t fair for us to ask them to just let it go.

Federation or not, everyone is on their own journey.


I know why you’re here. You want me to make you feel okay. To say you’ve done enough.


M’Benga: I am the Butcher of J’Gal.
Dak’Rah: All of this time. All of this time, you’ve said nothing. You let me take credit.
M’Benga: Because, unlike you, I am ashamed of that night.
Dak’Rah: I am ashamed of my cowardice.

I looked for you. Now, here you are, using the blood on my hands to make yourself a saint.


Dak’Rah: Look at the work that I’ve done! People need saints. They need belief. If people knew the truth, my work would be undone!
M’Benga: Your work is built on lies. And you never paid for what you did.

Pike: I’m just shocked that Rah would attack him like that.
Chapel: I guess, it just goes to show, no one ever really knows what goes on in anyone’s heart.

M’Benga: I didn’t start the fight, Chris.
Pike: This whole situation is… It’s complicated.
M’Benga: Is it? Rah was living a lie. I saw his true face. What if I told you he murdered children? Not his men. He did it. What if I started the fight then? Would that be so bad?

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Klingons will never admit it, but the Federation has much better ships.


Ortegas: Trust me I know Klingons. This guy with the peace treaties, that’s not Klingon.
Uhura: So, you don’t trust Ambassador Rah because he believes in peace?