Dal: They maybe think we blew up that relay station and kidnapped the last crew’s captain, oh, who happens to be a close friend of the admiral’s.
Rok: So, ALL of you talked to Starfleet, but NO ONE told them about the deadly weapon? The whole reason we left our ship? Come on, guys!

I haven’t seen the Xindi this spicy since my last dash through the Neutral Zone. You sure you’re not smugglers?


Hologram Janeway: How long was I out? I want to hear everything of your adventures.
Dal: Over before they started.
Rok: Yeah, didn’t go great.
Pog: The worst.
Okana: Hel-lo, there.
Hologram Janeway: Huh?

Captain’s log, supplemental. People can surprise you sometimes.


Pog: Why are we walking towards it? Jankom Pog is afraid!
Gwyn: I’ve learned never to fear the truth.

I know what you must think of us. Our facilities poor. Our knowledge woefully incomplete. En Song told my ancestors of your Prime Directive, how we weren’t ready for your technology, your ideas. We know we’re not Starflight but you don’t need a real ship to believe in what it starts for.

Dr. Boons

Gwyn: If anyone steps foot on the shuttle, and it falls, this entire place blows.
Pog: And honestly, if we come across one more thing Pog can’t fix, then Pog can’t call himself an engineer.

Dal: Zee, have you ever synthesized an antidote?
Zero: No, but I’ve skimmed the manual.
Dal: Great. My survival’s riding on chasing down a curse and my doctor’s making it up on the fly!
Zero: I sense you are afraid, but I am doing everything in my power. Lashing out will not improve your situation. Try to relax!

This is no longer a rescue mission. It’s a manhunt.

Vice Admiral Janeway

Pog: Can you believe these dum-dums? Playing dress-up. Pretending to be Federation…
Dal: Yeah, who are they fooling?

Gwyn: If these people sent a distress signal, they obviously need our help.
Dal: Do they? Clearly, some Starfleet guy landed here a hundred years ago and they weren’t ready for first contact. These people are living a lie and don’t even know it. Just like us.

We all get hurt, Zero. It’s the risk we take for revealing pieces of ourselves to each other, but what you did trying to protect me was an act of love and you should never feel ashamed for that. If there’s any part still listening, protect us again, Zero, break free from their hold. Resistance is NOT futile.


Star Trek: Prodigy Quotes

Drednok: Prisoner Dal Ar-El. What species are you?
Dal: Wow. Getting personal, borderline inappropriate.

Sorry, didn't quite catch that. You'll have to... chirp... a little slower.
