Vadic: Tell me about someone who loves you.
Mura: My son.
Vadic: A son. Picard has a son. Why don’t you tell him to come up here?
Mura: I can’t. Because I’m Starfleet.
Vadic: Now you see what control looks like?

Troi: Though your beard has gone from brown to gray to blood red. The face of an old man who can still take a punch. Almost.
Riker: I’ve missed you, imzadi.
Troi: Imza…I should’ve taught you another word. Yintoru?
Riker: Yintoru. What does that mean?
Troi: Baby of immense size.

Troi: You’ve changed. I can feel it.
Riker: In the nebula, I came face to face with bleakness.

Riker: It was my last connection to him and you tried to erase it.
Troi: Not erase it. Take it. Help you carry it. But I forgot the one thing that all counselors should remember. You can’t skip to the end of healing.

One’s personal space is a right.


Worf: Deanna, I have counted the days since I last saw you. Like waves in the ocean, constant and unending. I have thought of your empathic gifts often during my self-evaluation.
Troi: Well, that’s wonderful!
Riker: Inappropriate.
Worf: The work I have done on myself, the level of sensitivity that I have achieved has been in more ways than one…
Riker: Is this a rescue mission or a continuation of the torture?

Jack: I’ll say this, you don’t spend a lifetime practicing the art of charismatic deflection because you want to invite people in.
Troi: Well, as a counselor, I would normally wait for you to seek me out but I think we can both agree that the quickest path to the truth is what everyone needs right now.

I have slaughtered countless enemies over the years and considered sending their heads to all of you, but I was advised that that was… passive-aggressive.


Shaw: You should’ve blown the turbolift.
Seven: But I didn’t. And I’d make the same decision again. I draw the line at trading lives.
Shaw: You are a Starfleet officer. You don’t have the luxury to only make choice that feel hunky-dory. Everything has consequences.

Data, I know you’re in there. So I need you to listen to me because Life rarely gives you second chances to say what you should. Data, you made me better. You did. You made me a better man, a better father, better friend. And when you died, it broke me. But, see, you put me back together, you repaired me, the memory of you.


How remarkable it is that an enlightened species can ignore each other’s pain.


Alandra: Why is Lore doing this?
Geordi: Chaos. He loves the chaos.

Star Trek: Picard Quotes

Data: Why are you stalling, Captain?
Picard: I don't want the game to end.

Dahj: Have you ever... been a stranger to yourself?
Picard: Many, many times