Saru: I am Saru. This is Tilly.
Tilly: My name lacks authority.

Saru: We are officers of Starfleet.
Kal: Prove it.
Saru: You have already identified our ship.
Miner: Anyone could be flying that ship.
Tilly: Starfleet Regulation 256.15 'Officers shall display behavior befitting an officer at all times' which is why we're not freaking out right now by being held at phaser-point by a bunch of strangers. It's actually really scary so could you please lower your weapons or, I don't know, tell us your names so one of those things isn't true?

Stamets: I'm experiencing some discomfort.
Reno: Yeah, you were impaled by a seven-inch shard of duranium alloy. And put in a coma. Helpless is a shitty feeling, but it is not forever, and it doesn't make you any less capable.

Kal: I've never seen anything like this. How old is your starship?
Tilly: Oh, we like to think of her as a classic.

Zareh: There was no trace of your vessel in our databases.
Saru: We are an older model.
Zareh: Aren't we all?

Saru: Any success you achieve here will be short-lived because we will not permit your tyranny to stand.
Zareh: But here it is. Standing.

Nhan: Commander, Linus says Georgiou left Deck 8 to help out here?
Reno: And you believe that? Georgiou? Helping? Seriously?

Did I interrupt a critical moment of diplomacy?


I'm going to enjoy this new world. If this idiot can run an establishment, can you imagine what I could do in my sleep?


A one-woman tactical response.


What you call pain, I call foreplay.


Hey, genius, he's stuck in a tube, in a ship, in a vise, and he's bleeding all over the place. Argue about this later.


Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

My back might be shortcircuiting my brain right now but I don't recall Terralysium being particularly *icy*


Saru: Ready the graviton beam. Activate deflector shields inverse to cushion our landing. On my mark.
Bridge crew: Aye, Commander!
Tilly: Point five degrees from portside, ice is fifty meters thick.
Detmers: Copy
Reno: Is that deep enough?
Owosekun: We're going to find out.