Hey Zoe, you know what your problem is? You talk too damn much.


You're not the only one with human friends.

Sofia [to Roman]

How do you look somebody in the eyes that you care about and lie to them?


After everything that my dad went though, I understand what it's like to have your world turned upside down.


Maybe I'm a terrible person for feeling this way, but I'd rather have someday with Roman than now with Grayson or anyone else.


Well you might as well go for your human girl, we're all gonna die soon anyway.


Do you think that's what I want? Do you think it doesn't kill me every time I have to walk away from you?

Roman [to Emery]

Roman: Emery, Grayson's been lying to you this whole time. His parents are the leaders of the Red Hawks.
Emery: Roman...I know.

The Red Hawks just graduated from a hate group to a terrorist organization.


A momentary lapse in judgement I can only attribute to a hormone shift or pure boredom.


Roman: War is not the only way to get our freedom back.
Drake: And integration is? I don't wanna share this planet with people who wanna annihilate us. And neither should you.

I'm not a little girl. I'm one of those Atrian freaks that you're so fond of.


Star-Crossed Season 1 Quotes

Your generation can bridge the gap.


Cheer up. You get to keep liberty and justice all to yourselves.
