(Stan, Kyle, and Kenny on seeing Ms. Choksondik.)
Stan: Whoa dude!
Kenny: Her titties are f**king huge!
Ms. Choksondik: (while writing on the board) My name is Ms. Choksondik.
Stan: More like Ms. Makes-me-sick.

Life isn't about going back, it's about going forward.
Yes, there are times in our lives that we wish we could relive... but, if we've already lived them perfectly, why live them again? The adventure of life is there's always something new, new challenges, new experiences, a fun game is a game it gets harder as it goes, so it is with life.

Ms. Choksondik

(to Cartman) Shut up, fat ass!


South Park Season 4 Episode 11 Quotes

Stan: This is it the end of innocence this is the loss of that playful youth that all are parents warned us about
Kyle: I just didn't think it come so soon.
Cartman: Yeah, only now do we realize how we took the 3rd grade for granted.
Kyle: Huh?
Cartman: Everything was great in 3rd grade and now that it's all over we're starting to see how special it was
Cartman: (starts singing) Remember how it used to be? In the 3rd grade we used to laugh and play and cherish each day, in the 3rd grade we learned wondrous things with a teacher so nice sat on marshmallow desks with teddy bear smiles the world all seem to make sense but that sense seemed slowly but, seemed to fade after 3rd grade. In 3rd grade we used to write with crayons we would make sparkly pictures with glitter and glue we had warm cookies and hearts full of love and it wasn't a care in the world for me or for you. There's not in this life that I wouldn't trade just to go back for 1 minute to 3rd grade.
(Clyde starts crying)

I'm gay! I'm gay as a gymnast on shore leave!

Mr. Garrison