Sherlock: If you ever think I'm becoming full of myself, overconfident or cocky, would you just say the word "Norberry" to me, would you?
Mrs Hudson: Norberry?
Sherlock: Just that. I'd be very grateful.

Mycroft: Is that sentiment talking?
Sherlock: No, it's me.
Mycroft: Difficult to tell the difference these days.

Mycroft: Looks very fully functioning.
Sherlock: Is that the best you can do?
Mycroft: Sorry, I've never been very good with them.
Sherlock: Babies?
Mycroft: Humans.

  • Permalink: Humans
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Sherlock: You two, take a bus.
Lestrade: Why?
Sherlock: Because I need to concentrate and I don't want to hit you.

Sherlock: I always know when the game is on, you know why?
Smallwood: Why?
Sherlock: Because I love it.

Sherlock Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

Sherlock: You two, take a bus.
Lestrade: Why?
Sherlock: Because I need to concentrate and I don't want to hit you.

Sherlock: I always know when the game is on, you know why?
Smallwood: Why?
Sherlock: Because I love it.