Woz: Do you have an in with Internal Affairs?
Julia: It's amazing what you hear when people believe you have a 40% chance of becoming the next mayor, that is unless your old crew gets burned at the stake a week before the election.

Until you kill the monster, it will keep coming back. Yesterday you told me that you wished you were a better parent, right? Well now is your chance. I missed my chance, Karen. Don't miss yours.


Espada: They weren't kidding about turning this city upside down thing.
Tess: Yeah, well, you shoot at cops we all fire back.

Harlee: Okay, you want to be a hero, why don't you start with take-out.
Nava: Nothing says I love you like burgers and ketchup packets, because I do.

I have sacrificed everything, my marriage, my health, to serve this bureau. It is all that I have. Please don't take it away.


Espada: You guys going to tell me how it is they let me go?
Harlee: We took their milk money.

Baby Girl: My boy is in danger.
Loman: I agree. His mother slings an assault rifle for a drug lord.
Baby Girl: I do what I got to do to survive.

Wozniak: You did what you had to do. Good!
Harlee: Too much death. Nobody near me is safe.
Wozniak: Except the ones you keep safe.

Harlee: I lied to my baby girl today. More than lied, I played her. I had to.
Wozniak: Then you had to, but I know the way out.
Harlee: What is it?
Wozniak: The truth. I know you, Harlee. Just tell me.

Wozniak: You're my son and I love you, but if you ever bring this up again, it will be the last conversation you and I ever have.
Nate: Is that a punishment or a reward?

Loman: I'm going to need that tape.
Nate: Brace yourself for disappointment.

Either get involved or get uninvolved. No sense to anything in between.


Shades of Blue Season 2 Quotes

Are you going to dress up prostitutes to look like me too? You might have a hard time; I have a very specific look.


Sorry Sap, you're going to have to cover for me one more time.
