Why don't we just sit around and wait for a stork?


Miranda: Why are you proposing?
Steve: I thought that's what you wanted!
Miranda: I don't want to marry you, Steve!
Steve: Well I don't want to marry you either!
Miranda: Then what are we doing?
Steve: There's gonna be a baby, and I...I just don't wanna just be a guy that sees you at the playground. I wanna help.
Miranda: That doesn't mean we have to get married! You're not in love with me, right?
Steve: No. Especially not right now I'm not.

Miranda: Why didn't I use a condom?
Carrie: You didn't use a condom?
Miranda: He has one ball, and I have a lazy ovary! In what twisted world does that create a baby? It's like the Special Olympics of conception.

Miranda: Oh God, Carrie. Is this my baby? I mean, what am I waiting for?
Carrie: Sweetie, do you want me to leave?
Miranda: No I can't have a baby. I could barely find the time to schedule this abortion.

Samantha: "Emotional" is just code for "I don't want to hire a woman."
Miranda: They're like that at my firm. They're afraid you're going to cry over a legal brief.
Carrie: HAVE you ever cried over a legal brief?
Miranda: Yes, but only in the privacy of my own office.

Miranda: Men, wait, let me rephrase that, some men...
Carrie: Good move, counselor. That will look much better on the court transcripts of this dinner.

Carrie (about Aidan): Maybe I should try to get Big and him and me together.
Miranda: Did you have a big plate of crazy for lunch?

I'm thinking balls are to men, what purses are to women. It's just a little bag but we'd feel naked in public without it.


Meanwhile, back on the farm...young Mcdonald had Samantha.

A squirrel is just a rat in a cuter outfit.


They were supposed to say, "I'm sorry for your loss," not "You're dead, let's disco..."


Samantha: I lost my orgasm.
Carrie: In the cab?
Charlotte: What do you mean, lost?
Samantha: I mean, I spent the last two hours fucking with no finale.
Carrie: It happens. Sometimes you just can't get there.
Samantha: I can always get there.
Charlotte: Evey time you have sex?
Carrie: She's exaggerating! Please say you're exaggerating.
Samantha: Well, I'll admit I have had to polish myself off once or twice, but yes! When I RSVP to a party I make it my business to come!
Carrie: See, I've been a no-show on more than one occasion.
Charlotte: Sex can still be great without an orgasm.
Samantha: That is such a crock of shit.
Carrie: She has a point.
Samantha: What is wrong with me?
Carrie: Listen, you've got plenty of orgasms under your belt. You're gonna be fine! Now retrace your steps. Were you on top?
Samantha: How is that relevant?
Charlotte: You mean you can have them on the bottom?
Samantha: Top, bottom, upside down...
Carrie: OK, now you're just showing off!

Sex and the City Season 4 Quotes

Samantha: Who do you all fantasize about?
Carrie and Miranda: Russell Crowe
Carrie: Jinx! You owe me a Coke!
Miranda: That's amazing. What did women do before Russell Crowe?
Samantha and Carrie: George Clooney

Carrie: The longer I sat at that table, the more alone I felt. And it really hit me: I am 35 and alone!
Miranda: You are not alone.
Carrie: No, I know I have you guys, but...and really, I hate myself a little for saying this, but...it felt really sad not to have a man in my life who cares about me. No special guy to wish me happy birthday. No goddamn soulmate. And I don't even know if I belive in soulmates.
Charlotte: Don't laugh at me, but maybe we could be each others soulmates? And then we could let men be just these great nice guys to have fun with?
Samantha: Well, that sounds like a plan.
Carrie: I'm 35. 35 is not 25.
Miranda: Thank God!
Carrie: I'm 35!
Samantha: Oh, shut the f*** up. I'm 140!