(to Skipper) You're breaking up with me while you're still inside of me?


Carrie: He said, 'I miss you, baby.' Do you think that was meant to be some kind of coded mea culpa?
Miranda: You mean like what he really meant was, 'I've been a complete idiot, please forgive me for having dinner with that other woman.'
Carrie: Exactly.
Miranda: Could be.
Carrie: Well no, because that would mean that everything he ever said that I interpreted as sincere is subject to interpretation, and in that case, what I perceive as his feelings for me may only really be reflected projections of my feelings for him.
Miranda: What?
Carrie: Oh God, I'm freaking. I've gotta stop.

Stanford: Monogamy is on its way out again. It had a brief comeback in the 90s, but as the millennium approaches, everyone's leaving their options open.
Carrie: Come on, you wouldn't commit to a nice guy, given the option?
Stanford: I can't even commit to a long distance carrier.
Carrie: Yeah, you know what you are? You're a whore!
Stanford: I wish that were true.

Last night, after Michael took Charlotte to the Philharmonic, they went back to his place and began the classic dating ritual... the blow job tug of war.


As I hung up, I realized I'd committed the cardinal sin...I'd forsaken my girlfriends for my new boyfriend.


Monogamy is fabulous. It gives you a deep and profound connection with another human being, and you don't have to shave your legs as much.

Random woman

(Talking about oral sex)
Charlotte: The truth is, I hate doing it.
Samantha: Honey, you can't be serious!
Miranda: Are you telling us you never perform this act?
Carrie: She'll juggle, she'll spin plates, but she won't give head.
Charlotte: I don't like putting it in my mouth! I have a very sensitive gag reflex and it makes me want to puke!
Miranda: That's one way to say no.
Charlotte: It's not like I haven't tried. I practiced on a banana, I pretended it was a Popsicle, but...I just don't like it.
Miranda: Personally, I'm loving it, up to the point where the guy wants me to swallow.
Carrie: Well that's just, that's really a judgment call.
Samantha: Some men take it so personally if you don't.
Miranda: Some guys don't give you a choice!
Carrie: Well that's just bad behavior.
Charlotte: Are you honestly telling me you like it?
Carrie: Well, it's not my favorite thing on the menu, but you know, I'll order it from time to time, and, with the right guy, it can be nice.
Miranda: Oral sex is like God's gift to women. You can get off without worrying about getting pregnant.
Samantha: Plus the sense of power is such a turn-on, maybe you're on your knees, but you got him by the balls.
Charlotte: You see, that is the reason that I don't want to go down this road.
Carrie: Well sweetheart, if you're gonna get all choked up about it (Carrie and Miranda exchange looks about the pun), just don't do it, don't do it!
Miranda: But if you don't go down on him, how can you expect him to go down on you?
Charlotte: I don't.
Miranda: Oh well, forget it! I only give head to get head!
Samantha: Me too.

Oral sex is like God's gift to women. You can get off without the worry of pregnancy.


Sex and the City Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Carrie: He said, 'I miss you, baby.' Do you think that was meant to be some kind of coded mea culpa?
Miranda: You mean like what he really meant was, 'I've been a complete idiot, please forgive me for having dinner with that other woman.'
Carrie: Exactly.
Miranda: Could be.
Carrie: Well no, because that would mean that everything he ever said that I interpreted as sincere is subject to interpretation, and in that case, what I perceive as his feelings for me may only really be reflected projections of my feelings for him.
Miranda: What?
Carrie: Oh God, I'm freaking. I've gotta stop.

(to Skipper) You're breaking up with me while you're still inside of me?
