Jason: That hand looks kind of rough.
Ray: That's why God gave me two.

Jason: You ready to go home?
Ray: I've been ready. You boys sure took your sweet-ass time.

Let's try not to start World War III while getting Ray back.


Jason: I just feel like I'm coming up short for him.
Clay: Ray's never out of the fight.

We're going to march straight through Hell and pull him out. That's what we're going to do.


Blackburn: You're supposed to be resting.
Jason: Thanks, Dad, for the reminder. I'll sleep after we rescue Ray.

Ray [to his cellmate]: I have a mantra: They will not break me.

I think we found the boss.

Jason [to Clay]

You're hoping this is Jordan coming out of retirement.

Thirty Mike [to Sonny]

Clay: Sonny, carrot before stick.
Sonny: This job is turning you into a real pacifist, Mahatma Gandhi.

Ray's out there somewhere and he needs us. We're going to go out and find our brother and bring him home ... alive.


If you're looking for someone to step up and bring Bravo back together, that's on you this time.

Jason [to Sonny]

SEAL Team Season 4 Quotes

Dude [Jason] puts it on the line for all you guys and this is the thanks he gets.

Thirty Mike

With the drawdown concluding, this could be our last major action in Afghanistan. Let's make it a good one.
