Grace: We understand that as millennial feminists --
Dean Munsch: Wait, wait a minute. That's a thing?
Grace: Oh yeah!
Chanel: Totally. Being a millennial feminist means growing up listening to Taylor Swift say she doesn't like to think of the world as boys vs. girls.
Grace: Yeah and then graduating and entering the workforce only to realize that you make 20% less than men for doing the same job.

Pete: He was my Deep Throat.
Chad: So you were gay lovers.

Denise: Hold on, baby girl! Freeze! First day on the job and I caught a killer. Ha ha ha! Ain't no way you're getting out of this one, Zayday Williams!
Chanel: Wait, YOU have a gun?!

Oh my god. The mall is deserted. We've been shopping for, like, ever with no liquids or cotton balls!

Chanel #3

Arrested Man: I wanna know what I'm being charged with!
Police Officer: You drove your pick-up truck through the front window of a Best Buy. You killed or maimed 40 people.

At first I was like, "What a weird turkey." And then it clicked. "Damn. That's a head!"


Chanel: And what happened to you?
Hester: I was sharpening this knife. I couldn't find Ms. Bean's carver, but this one is definitely sharp enough to glide easily through roasted flesh.
Chanel #3: What a weird way to put that.

I mean, it's not out of the question. I was a bit of a man-slut back in the day. And it was the 90's, so nobody wore condoms.


I'm sorry, but someone needs to contact the good people at Hasbro because the odds of you picking "neck brace whore" are astronomical!


Plus, are you gonna make, like, a habit of just, like, pushing people down the stairs? 'Cuz I think we can agree, not the most adult form of conflict resolution, Chanel.


Zayday: That seems like an unnecessarily complicated cover story.
Dean Munsch: Yes, but aren't those the best kind?

We have a newcomer this year. So let's all give a round of tolerant Radwell applause to our newcomer, Chanel Oberlin.

Bunny Radwell

Scream Queens Quotes

Zayday: Hey, girl, can I just ask you... what's up with your outfit?
Gigi: My therapist says I had a traumatic experience that kept part of my psyche forever trapped in the 90's but I'm like, uh, I'll take it!

Chanel #5: You have an amazing skill at telling people what they need to hear.
Chanel Oberlin: I'm sorry, did I ask you to pull down my panties and blow a compliment up my butt? Nobody likes a suck-up, Chanel #5.