Mayor: Sold! To the newcomer, Mr. Skinner, for twenty dollars!
Betsy: That's Dr. Skinner!
Melissa: Hey, I'm a doctor too, by the way.
Larry: But you're a lady

Josh: How much is a 'bit'?
Pete: Twelve and a half cents.
Josh: Why is there a term for twelve and a half cents? How's that helpful?

Larry: You're not going to want to drink that, missy. That there's the Gentlemen's punch bowl. It's got alcohol in it.
Melissa: Oh, thank you for the warning, Larry the Fireman.

Betsy: Tonight's the annual picnic basket auction to raise money to buy books for the library.
Tootie: And replace the ones the Reverand's wife burned.

I guess this is the place I come to when I want to be gay, but I can't.

Mayor Menlove

Melissa: Mr. Mayor, are you gay?
Mayor Menlove: I try to be. Schmigadoon's motto is 'We always strive for peace and happiness' so I try to be an example of joy and gaiety for the folks in town.

Melissa: Do you think this -- you and me -- is true love? You don't. You don't. Okay, good to know.
Josh: What does that even mean? True love? It's like you've got this perfect idea of what love is supposed to be. Maybe that doesn't even exist.
Melissa: Just because something is hard doesn't mean it's unattainable. Takes work.

Josh: It's like if The Walking Dead was also Glee
Melissa: You watched Glee?
Josh: I was aware of it.

Josh: Was that a leprechaun?
Melissa: Yes. He said something. What did he say?
Josh: I don't know. I was more focused on how he was shattering my whole construct of what's real and not real in the world because he was a freakin' leprechaun!

Betsy: Good morning! How are we doing today? Slept well last night?
Josh: Yes, Betsy. Slept like a log.
Betsy: Oh my gosh! Like a log? That is hilarious! Cause logs don't sleep! You're so funny!
Josh: I'm not that funny
Melissa: He's really not.

Danny: [singing] We'd have a kid or two or three. Two girls for you and two boys for me.
Melissa: [speaking] Shouldn't all the kids be for both of us?

Danny: Let's let our bodies do the talking
Melissa: Well, our mouths are technically a part of our bodies.

Schmigadoon! Quotes

What, so one kick and, apparently, MAGIC?


Josh: I usually give it a kick.
Melissa: Oh, really?
Josh: Yeah. Right there. I could do it for you if you'd like.
Melissa: Nah, I've been doing all my own kicking since third grade.